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Rhea had woken with a start, she had taken some pain killers in addition to the herbs that Kaleb had provided, falling into a deep slumber not long after

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Rhea had woken with a start, she had taken some pain killers in addition to the herbs that Kaleb had provided, falling into a deep slumber not long after.

Heading to where the commotion that woke her up was coming from, she was shocked at what awaited her, Davina was passed out on the floor.

Kaleb was stood not far from her, and Klaus was at the door. "We're not done here, you and I." Klaus told Kaleb, confusing Rhea, she already being groggy and disorientated from just waking up. 

"What the hell is going on?" She questioned out loud, causing both the men to turn towards her.

Klaus' face softened at the sight of the witch he hadn't seen in so long, her being one of the few people he had ever really truly cared about— but then they narrowed, the thoughts of her plotting against him resurfacing.

"I have to find Cami, Mikael has taken her." Klaus said to the girl, knowing that she knew of Cami, the bartender had discussed Rhea with him earlier.

Rhea's hand flew to her bracelet, noticing it had been disarmed, choosing to worry about that later, right now she wanted answers from the hybrid— and she intended to get them.

He sped away, Rhea immediately went to go after him, she was stopped however, when Kaleb grabbed her arm, "Where on earth are you going?" He asked frantically, she simply pulled her arm away and continued towards the door.

"I won't be long, keep an eye on Davina." Brown met blue, and no other words needed to be said, he knew she was coming back.


Rhea had rushed through the woods, sensing Klaus nearby, she paused and looked at her surroundings, "Klaus! I know you're there, come and face me, you coward!" She shouted and within seconds, he was a mere five feet away from her, she felt her blood begin to boil.

"I should kill you right now." She spat out, Klaus simply shrugged.

"You still have no clue do you, love?" Confusion worked it's way on to Rhea's face, not knowing where the hybrid was going with the conversation.

He chuckled at the girl, only fuelling her anger further.

"Clueless as ever— now what I would really love to know, is why you seem to be plotting against me? Weren't we almost family at one point?" The hybrid questioned, Rhea let out a howl of laughter, clearly sarcastic.

"Family? You wouldn't know what a family was if it hit you right in the face. A thousand years later you're still making the same mistakes, you want to know why I'm plotting against you Klaus? You know damn well why, for a thousand years you done nothing but dagger Kol repeatedly— and even when he didn't have a dagger in his chest, you did nothing but isolate him; and then he died, for good. You know who's fault that is Nik? Yours." To say that Klaus was shocked would be an understatement, he knew that Rhea was distraught over Kol's death but he didn't think her anger would be redirected at him.

"Kol was a vicious, menace who bought nothing but trouble to the family, even you cannot deny that Rhea."

Rhea's anger was pretty much bursting at the seams, "How can you even stand here and say that?! He was deprived of love from all of you from a young age! When Kol come into his magical abilities when you were human, you all felt threatened, so what do the Mikaelson siblings do when they feel threatened by another sibling? Oh yes, they alienate them. Kind of like you cut off Finn for 900 years too, right? Kol had another side to him; but none of you cared enough to take the time to truly get to know him, and now you never will."

Klaus was speechless, he never knew how Rhea truly felt about the way he treated his family.

"He didn't deserve you. You were too infatuated with him to see him for what he really was, Rhea." And with that, Klaus was gone and Rhea was left reeling.

She wanted nothing more than to make Klaus feel everything she had felt in the past thousand years, all the heartbreak—the loneliness when Kol was taken from her, and the truly horrific pain that had remained in her chest ever since Kol was killed.

She would get her payback, it may take some time, but she would.


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