Chapter Sixteen

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"Thanks again, Sue!" I say, giving her a hug goodbye.

We got done eating Emily's delicious meatloaf and potatoes about an hour and a half ago and now, Sue, Leah, and Seth are heading home. The other guys – except Jacob – have already gone home due to other plans, but we all spent some time together so it was nice.

"It was my pleasure sweetie! Goodnight everyone!" Sue says, leaving the house with Seth and Leah behind her after giving everyone a hug.

Same closes the door after them and walks over to Emily, giving her a kiss on the cheek before following her into the kitchen to help clean. I look over at Jacob and smile at him, walking towards the living room. "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask him, taking a seat on the couch before laying down on my left side. Jacob sits next to me, resting his feet on the coffee table. "Sure. What do you have in mind?" He asks, grabbing the remote to the telly.
"Anything other than scary movies." I answer, looking over at him.

Jacob chuckles and shakes his head, going on demand before going to the movie second, searching for a movie. "Yes my dear." He says and I roll my eyes, kicking him in the side. "Shut up." "Make me." "Maybe I will." I smile at him, watching a blush creep up on his face.

I shiver, wishing that the fire was on but, to my luck, we have no wood chopped up. I'm going to need to remind Sam to do that tomorrow. As if it was something he's done many times, Jacob reaches over and picks me up, placing me almost on top of him with my head on his chest and my legs on top of his. He wraps his arms around me and I place my left hand on his stomach, making myself comfortable and I look over at the Telly, the movie 'Red' playing.

I smile softly to myself, happy that I'm no longer cold which makes me wonder why and how I'm suddenly warm. A yawn escapes my lips and I rub my face, trying to get the sleepiness away and I feel Jacobs chest rumble under my head.
"Go to bed. I'll be here in the morning, Rose." I barely hear him say and I open my mouth to oppose but, as if I was under a spell, my eyes closed and I'm consumed with darkness, sleep taking me away.


I'm surrounded by heat. The occasional breeze comes through from the window but it feels nice against my warm skin. Wait, my window is open?! I quickly open my eyes and try sitting up but I couldn't. Something or someone was holding me down. My heart beat quickens and I look around, taking in my surroundings and notice that I'm still in the living room. I look down and see a sleeping Jacob, his face scrunched up in a cute- stop it.

I sigh and rest my head back on his chest, knowing that no matter how hard I try to escape his grasp, I can't. He's stronger than me. Even in his sleep.

My eyes dart up to his face, examining it and feeling like a creepy stalker while doing it. I giggle to myself softly and shake my head. I'm strange. But when I look at his face, it looks peaceful. His eyelashes lay perfectly against his cheeks and his mouth is open slightly, he looks peaceful and happy. Like he's dreaming about his most prized possession.

"Are you done staring at me?" Jacob mumbles, startling me. I laugh nervously, pushing myself away from him and sitting up. "I wasn't staring.." I mumble, making Jacob chuckle. "Yes you were.." His groggy voice mocks as he leans over, making me fall backwards on the couch and him hovering over me. "No I wasn't..." I argue, realizing how close our faces are. Jacobs eyes look down to my lips and back up to my eyes, leaning his face closer to mine. "Yes you were.." He whispers, his lips brushing against mine, making my heart thud against my chest.

Just as our lips are about to touch, the front door flings open and I quickly push Jacob off of me, making him land on the floor with a big thud.

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant