Chapter Twenty Nine

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No nightmare. Nothing bad happened to me while I slept and I don't know why. Did the memories finally slip away? Did they finally decided to leave me alone?

The pillow moving under my head pulls me out of the best sleep I've ever had and I groan, hitting my pillow only to hit a rock instead. I open my eyes and grasp my throbbing hand, looking up to see a well sculpted jawline and russet skin.

"What the-" I mumble, only to be interrupted by the front door opening and closing.

"Good morning Uley household!" Shouts no other person than Seth. He's a morning person and I hate him for that. But let's be real, I can only hate him for so long. I mean, he's the sweetest person ever! Who can hate him?

"Guys, be quiet! Jacob and Chloee are asleep in the living room." I hear Emily hiss at them, making me quickly sit up only to smack back down against the rock of a pillow. I fell asleep down here with Jacob? No no no.

"Morning.." I hear a deep voice from his spot on the couch and I quickly scramble to get out of his grasp, to which he obliged and allowed me. He didn't use his super strength against my strong - at least I thought I was - frame. Sure, we'll go with frame.

"Hi.." I mumble, running a hand through my messy hair before running out of the living room and towards the stairs only to run into another rock. Jared.

"Good morning Chloee! Nice to see you up and at it at 9am." He says in his happy tone. I look up at him then around the room to see many shocked faces. What? I haven't been able to sleep so I've slept in.........until like 4pm. Don't judge.

"Uh, yeah.." I say, at a loss for words. No nightmare? Nothing?

"Morning everyone." The familiar morning voice of Jacob Black startles me, making me jump and run into Jared again.

"Woah, everything okay there jumpy?" Jared asks, testing a new nickname and everyone chuckles.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Embry asks from his spot at the table with Quil and Paul.

"You okay, Rose?" Jacob asks, resting a hand on my lower back and I quickly move away from him.

"Don't touch me." I whisper, inching closer to Jared.

At that sentence, everyone freezes and stares at me wide eyed. "What's wrong, bee?" Sam asks from his spot by the table and I look up at him.

"I didn't have a nightmare." I say, keeping my gaze on him.

"That's good, right? You can now tell us what happened?" Brady asks from his spot next to Seth - Collin on his other side - and I shake my head, rubbing my face.

"I don't want to." I say, turning around and facing the wall, preparing myself to sprint up the stairs.

"Why not?" Quil pries and I twirl around, furry in my eyes. The thought of running quickly disappearing from my thoughts.

"Because I almost died!" I shout, finally breaking the news no one wanted to hear. "I almost died." I repeat myself more calmly.

I look over at Sam and he nods, telling me that I need to tell them. That it's time. "Everyone sit at the table, I think Chloee has a few things to say." Sam says, everyone moving to sit at the table but I stay in my spot, staring blankly at the floor.

"It all happened at once. I was finally enjoying my life since my moms death but then I got a call from Emily." I pause, remembering the call. "So I ran back to the apartment and packed the bags, changing into a new pair of clothes." I pause again, remembering the panic, when I couldn't get ahold of Adam. "I was there for an hour, trying to get ahold of Adam because we needed to leave. We needed to come back here. But he never answered. Later, I found out it was because he was in a meeting but ran as soon as he saw the missed calls.

"Then he showed up. Barged through the front door and knocked me across the room and into a table. He, he threw Adam out a window." I stop, feeling my throat close up and I move over to the table, standing in front of it. "He treated me like a rag doll and tossed me all over the place. I have so many bruises." I whisper, feeling a tear fall from my eyes. "I thought I lost Adam. But I didn't." I look up, staring at Sam and he nods, encouraging me to continue.

"Edward and Emmet Cullen were there. They caught Adam and placed him in the backseat of his mustang then they came to me." I pause again, remembering what was happening. That thing was about to bite me, to either kill or turn me but I never found out because Emmet came running in the house and pounced on him. At first, I didn't know who he was but later I found out when Edward got me and helped me in the car. He told me to drive - to go fast and that he and Emmet will take care of the rest.
"Emmet and Edward saved my life. But I couldn't help but shake the feeling that I couldn't stop driving, so I drove all night until I ended up outside the house. Adam, he was out cold when I got to him. Pieces of glass was piercing not only my skin but his too. So, once I got here and Dr. Carlise came, I made sure he tended to him first. But it didn't matter anyways.." I whisper, sniffing. "He was out cold. He fell unconscious and we don't know when he's going to wake up." I finish, wiping the tears from my face.

"Hey, everything is going to be alright." Paul says, placing a comforting hand on my back and I shake my head.

"You guys don't get it!" I exclaim, shoving Pauls hand off of me. "You all get to go out there and phase into giant wolves and fight vampires! You are all safe!" I smack my fists against the table, making everyone jump. "But me, I was thrown around like a rag doll! I fell through a glass table, I had to get stitches. I almost died!" I push myself away from the table.

"I felt like a helpless human being because my strength compared to that vampires was nothing. I could've died. Heck, I almost killed Adam and I don't blame anyone else but myself for it." I say, my voice squeaking at the end as more tears fall down my face.

"So no, everything isn't going to be alright. My so called father is fighting for custody, Adam - who I consider as a brother - is unconscious at the Cullen's house, and my life isn't going how I planned it to be.

"Nothing is going right and I don't know how much more of it I can handle."

A/N: So, this chapter was filled with a lot of emotion. Lucky for you guys, it's no longer going to flash back and forth. Chloee told the guys what happened.

What do you guys think will/should happen next? How do you guys feel about Edward and Emmet saving them?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below! I love hearing from you guys!!

Until next chapter,

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant