Chapter Thirty Two

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After I composed myself and dried all the tears off of my face, I got up and made my way out of the house, towards the Clearwater's residence. Approaching the white wooden steps, I climb up them and towards the light blue screen door with a wooden frame, the open screen letting the sounds from the inside echo outside.

I take in a deep breath before releasing it, opening the door as I enter. "Hello?" I shout, my voice wavering a bit but I don't think anyone will notice. At least that's what I hope...

"Chloee! We're all in the dining room!" I hear Sue's sweet voice shout and I smile, walking towards it.

I approach the open, white walled room with a long and white dark wood table in the middle, several people sitting around it and I smile, leaning against the entry way.

"Hey! What took you so long? They nearly ate everything!" Leah says, laughing as she approaches me.

We embrace each other in a warm hug - no pun intended - and pull away after a moment. "I, um, needed to do something." I say, flicking my eyes towards Sam.

"What did the letter say?" Leah asks and I look at her. "We all knew about it." She answers my unasked question, making me nod.

"I don't know how to say it so I'm gonna spit it out." I sigh, looking around the room. "They're giving him full custody the tenth of July." The room falls silent and I look down at my shoes.

"I also got news on Adam.." I sniff, a tear rolling down my face. "They don't know if he's gonna make it." I nibble on my bottom lip, wiping my face to get rid of the tears.

"Oh Rose, I'm so sorry." Jacob says, getting up from his spot at the table, walking over to me.

I look up at him, tears in my eyes and I sniff. "I can't lose him, Jake.." I whisper, my voice hoarse.

Jacob embraces me into a hug, my forehead against his chest as I cry. He rubs my back, resting his head over mine. "I know, I know.." He sighs, squeezing my fragile frame.

"I want to go visit him.." I whisper, knowing that he can hear me with no problem.

I feel his head nod over mine and I pull away, looking up at him. "Then let's go, okay?" He asks and I nod, forcing a smile on my tear stained face.

Jacob rests his hand on my lower back, leading me out the beautiful house, grabbing a random set of keys on the way out.

"Where's your car?" I ask him, stopping on the porch. He looks back at me, a smile plastered on his face.

"I'm taking Seth's, he'll understand." He answers, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the red, beat up truck. They all like trucks for some odd reason...

"Okay.." I trail off, letting him open the door for me before hopping in. Jacob runs around the front of the truck before pulling the door open, getting in before starting the car.

"Thanks.." I look over at him and he shoots a glance at me, smiling softly.

"Anything for you." He says, reaching over and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers together.

As the time passes, I look out my window, watching the scenery pass me by. The closer we get to the Cullen's, the more I squeeze Jacobs hand tighter, my fear knotting in my stomach. Everything will be okay..

Before I knew it, we were parked outside of the Cullen's beautiful house in the middle of the woods and I quickly run out of the truck and up the stairs before knocking on the door.

In a matter of seconds, Edward opens the door, a weary smile on his face as he lets both me and Jacob in. "He's upstairs.." Edward mumbles and I quickly run up the stairs, spotting Carlisle Cullen at the top of the stairs, showing me the way towards the room Adam is in.

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant