Chapter Twenty Seven

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(A/N: Please don't hate me!)

I got up early this morning for a run and when I came back, Adam had already left for work, leaving me a note. So, I helped myself to some Captain Crunch before taking a shower and getting ready for the day so I can go out to explore the city.

I'm in a pair of high waisted, bell bottom jeans with a grey haltered top and a white lace cardigan and a pair of pointed pink flats. My hair is placed in a half up, half down bun, and I placed a little flower in the back. Today I felt like looking cute.

My makeup consists of a little bit of foundation and blush, a nude eyeshadow with a dark pink crease and smudged brown eyeliner on the upper and bottom lash line. I added some white eyeshadow to the inner corners of my eyes before applying a good amount of black mascara. Leaving my lips to have nothing but Vaseline on them.

Currently, I'm walking towards Macy's with a venti sized unsweetened green tea with a splash of lemonade - my favorite Starbucks drink - and I'm enjoying the business of the city along with the nice breeze on this hot day. At least I was until I got a call from Emily.

"Hello?" I say through the phone, taking another sip of my drink.

"Chloee! You need to grab Adam and leave New York. Come back to La Push." I hear a frantic Emily shout through the other side of the phone.

"Emily, slow down. What's going on?" I ask, trying to calm myself down. It's probably nothing.

"Long story short, the intruder that was here is a vampire. It tracked your scent and is heading your way." She answers my question, making me stop in my tracks and drop my drink.

And that is how my second week in New York started...but the way it ended, is not a story I want to remember.

~time skip~

"Okay Chloee, that's the last stitch." Doctor Carlisle says, patting my shoulder with his cold hand. Eight stitches on my upper arm.

"Thanks Carlisle." Sam says from his spot by the door and my eyes are fixated on the wooden floor beneath my bed. In a matter of seconds, the cold skinned man disappears. The floorboards creak from the weight being added to it, signaling to me that Sam is walking towards me.

"How are you doing?" He asks, placing a comforting hand on my knees.

I shrug my shoulders in reply, getting up from my bed and walking over to my suitcase, opening it to grab a pair of sweats.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to change." I say in a mere whisper, trying to fight off the tears threatening to fall. Just like Carlisle, Sam leaves, leaving me and my thoughts alone.

I quickly strip off my pants, pulling on my grey sweats before grabbing a white v-neck t-shirt and put it in after taking off my plaid shirt. Need to burn those. I think to myself, tossing them in the trash can.

After that, I leave my room and go down the stairs, where a once filled room with many people talking quiet down. My right foot hits the bottom step and I look up, seeing the faces of the people who I ran from; faces that once carried happiness but now holds many emotions: anger, fear, worry, and confusion.

No one knows what happened the last 24 hours; except Sam and Carlise, they know everything. What I went through, the plan to leave, the attack, the whole sob story.. I just walked into this house with blood all over me and Adam in the back seat of his Mustang. Luckily, Sam and Emily were only there and I didn't have to explain myself to the others. So, while Emily left the room, I told Sam everything and in all honesty, it's not something I want to share or him to share. It's too frightening to share. It scares me. It angers me. It'll give me nightmares no doubt.

"Hey.. When did you get back?" Leah asks, walking over to me. I look up at her and embrace her in a hug, holding onto her tightly.

"What happened?" I hear the guys ask each other but no one has an answer; only Sam, Carlisle, and I know. And that's how I'd like it to stay.

Leah just holds me, rubbing my back and running a hand through my hair. Giving me a sense of comfort when I need it most. A tear escapes my eyes, making me sniff and burry my face in Leah's neck.

"It's all my fault.." I whisper, Leah squeezing me tighter, no doubt confused with my choice of words. "It's all my fault..." I repeat, my voice getting more quiet, my throat caving in.

My fault.

~24 hours earlier~

"It's Adam. I can't get to the phone right now, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Bye!" Adams voice booms through the phone and I groan. I get voicemail, again.

I toss my phone on the couch, pacing back and forth in front of the packed bags. Why isn't he answering? I think to myself, worry and frustration overtaking my emotions.

After the call with Emily, I ran back to the apartment and changed into a pastel colored plaid button up shirt and a pair of denim skinny jeans with a rip in the right knee and pulled on a pair of my adidas running shoes. I've been here for an hour and have been trying to get a hold of Adam the whole entire time.

Just as I was about to call him again, the front door slams open, making my stomach drop and my heart almost stop. I spin around quickly to see a frantic and worried Adam running over to me before embracing me in a tight hug.

"I just got out of a meeting and saw all the missed calls.. Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" He quickly asks, his strong arms pushing me away to look into my eyes.

I smile at him and nod, grabbing his hand before getting into action. "We need to leave. Go back to La Push." I say, grabbing my carry on and suitcase.

Adams follows me slowly, confused as to why I was saying this. "Why..?" He slowly asks, scared to know the answer to that curious question.

I start walking towards the front door, my backpack on my shoulder and my suitcase handle in hand, following me from behind. "Long story.." I say, stopping at the front door, turning around to look him in the eye.

The next thing that happened will forever change my life. Everything happened in slow motion, every single movement forever embedded into my mind. And there's one detail that will forever stand out; no matter how hard I try to wash it away.

Blood was everywhere.

A/N: Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter! I ended it on a cliff hanger..sorry! Please tell me what you think happened and what you think about how I did this chapter!

Like always, leave your thumb and click that talking button!

Until next chapter,

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant