Monday, 3:17 pm
Marc: Hey you!!
Pia: Wow, calm down tiger.
Pia: Why are you so eager?
Marc: Can't I be happy to talk to my girl best friend?
Pia: Am I your girl best friend?
Pia: *Aggressively auto-combusts*
Marc: Yes you're.
Pia: I thought Voldemort was your best friend.
Marc: Voldemort?
Pia: You know, because she must not be named.
Marc: Wow, nice. Girls and their cute nicknames.
Marc: But no, she isn't.
Marc: I consider her as my special sidekick.
Pia: Yeah, whatever. I don't care how you guys call each other.
Pia: Sooo, changing subject, if you are texting me it means that you need advice or something like that, am I right?
Marc: No, not really.
Marc: I just wanted to ask you something ...
Marc: How are things with Hall doing? Btw, I'm just curious.
Pia: Oh, just curious right?
Pia: You can tell her to fuck off, because I'm not buying it.
*Pia logs put*
Marc: But you're not mad with me, are you?
Pia: If you keep talking about her, I'm not only going to be mad but I'm cutting your throat too.
Marc: Okay, thanks for the advice.
Pia: 😊
Pia: You're welcome

FanfictionFriday, 11:50 pm ...: Hey, Tom? +: Actually it's M... ....: I just wanted to say that I love you and I was afraid to confess it, but now, after everything we've been through, I realize how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. +: Who's...