Saturday, 11:00 am
Marc: Pia is so mad you don't get an idea. What happened between both of you? If it's okay for you to tell me...
Halley: Ugh, God. Just ignore her, she's lying, don't believe a word she says.
Marc: I was waiting for you to tell me, since she won't say a thing about your fight.
Halley: That bitch...I know what she's trying to do... She's waiting for me to confess.
Marc: Wait, confess what?
Halley: Tell her I won't say a thing.
Marc: What? Halley, I really don't get what's happening.
Halley: Tell her to stay the fuck out of my life.
*Halley logs out*
Marc: typing
Marc: I'm feeling so lost right now...
FanfictionFriday, 11:50 pm ...: Hey, Tom? +: Actually it's M... ....: I just wanted to say that I love you and I was afraid to confess it, but now, after everything we've been through, I realize how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. +: Who's...