Sunday, 2:50 pm
Halley: What's the name of this band of yours, again?
Marc: The 1975
Halley: Thnks!! I don't know how could I live before this band appeared. It's amazing.
Marc: I know. I only listen to the very best.
Halley: 😒
Halley: #ThatEgo
Marc: Hey, it's not my fault the band's perfect!!
Halley: As perfect as chocolate.
Marc: Now we run, run away from the boys in the blue, and my car smells like chocolate 🎶
Halley: Still, my favorite one is girls.
Marc: They're just girls breaking hearts
Eyes bright, uptight, just girls.Marc: How ironic is that? The song is totally you
Halley: What do you mean?
Marc: Just... Forget it.
Marc: I'm sorry for today's express-lunch btw, I know you wanted to hang out longer, but I just couldn't.
Halley: It was excellent, I swear. You shouldn't apologize, really.
Marc: I forgot I made an appointment with my dentist and I just couldn't change it...
Halley: Hey!! It's okay!! You don't need to apologize.
Halley: Apologizing a lot means insecurity.
Marc: typing
Marc: (Oh don't you say)
Marc: Maybe. I don't think I'm that insecure tho.
Halley: What do you want me to say?
Do you want me to lie?Marc: ...
Marc: Anyway, will I see you tomorrow?
Halley: I'm afraid you won't. My finals start this week and it's going to be hell on earth.
Marc: 😔 It's okay. Good luck!! But don't you over-fry your brain that much, eat sugar between each exam!
Halley: Thanks!! I will!!
*Halley logs out*
Marc: Ich werde dich vermissen.

FanfictionFriday, 11:50 pm ...: Hey, Tom? +: Actually it's M... ....: I just wanted to say that I love you and I was afraid to confess it, but now, after everything we've been through, I realize how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. +: Who's...