Monday, 7:10 pm
Marc: Are you sure?
Pia: Are you doubting my stalker abilities?
Pia: I'm completely sure, my window faces Tom's house. I was doing some homework and then bang.
Pia: Ñiki ñiki between those two.
Pia: Did you had a mental breakdown?
Marc: No, I was using my spare time to knit some sweaters for the poor.
Marc: Of course I had a mental breakdown, what do you think?
Pia: Jeez sorry, I was just trying to help.
Marc: I thought that we were finally going to be lovers or friends at least.
Pia: You mean Halley or me?
Marc: But this isn't a fairytale and fucking Tom has to ruin everything that I have or love.
Marc: As he always had.
Pia: Wait, what? You knew Tom?!?
Marc: It's a very long story.
Pia: I have to hear it to judge it for myself.
Pia: And I also would like to know why the hell you love Halley so mucho.
Marc: It's also a very long story.
Pia: Are you still at Ben & Jerry's?
Marc: Yeah, why??
Pia: See you in ten.
*Pia logs out*
Marc: I'm screwed

FanfictionFriday, 11:50 pm ...: Hey, Tom? +: Actually it's M... ....: I just wanted to say that I love you and I was afraid to confess it, but now, after everything we've been through, I realize how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. +: Who's...