Tuesday, 8:45 pm
Halley: Is it too late now to say sorry?
Halley: Cause I'm, missing more than just of your awkward texts.
Halley: And I know that I let you down, is it to late to say I'm sorry now?
Marc: I'm done with you.
Marc: I'm tired of your crap.
Halley: Let me finish, let me explain my POV please.
Halley: I'm just asking for one more chance to make things right.
Marc: You had your chances, You've rolled the dice. Don't come crying because now I won't hold your back.
Marc: You had enough chances.
Halley: Can we at least be friends?
Halley: We can't waste the feeling that was already there.
Marc: You already have.
Marc: Wish you luck, cause I don't care what happens to you from now on.
Halley: I deserve it.
Marc: You do.
*Marc has deleted you from his friend-list*
Halley: All by myself.
Halley: As I started.

FanfictionFriday, 11:50 pm ...: Hey, Tom? +: Actually it's M... ....: I just wanted to say that I love you and I was afraid to confess it, but now, after everything we've been through, I realize how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. +: Who's...