Chapter 1

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Soft, smooth fur slid across the entrance of my nostrils; the weak smell of shampoo flooding my nose as I took a breath in. Jinja... I silently complained to myself. Opening up my dark eyes, I was greeted by the face of my cat, Neko.

"Ah, morning, Neko," I smiled at my feline roommate. In response, Neko meowed and began to purr softly, rubbing it's chin on my chin.

Buzz, buzz. The vibration of my phone caught my attention; and I sat up and reached for it.

"1 New Message

From: Tzuyu-ssi

Morning, Jungkook-ah! Or should I say Jungkook-ssi...? Wanna walk to school together today?"

As a grin formed on my face, I began typing back.

"Sure, but Halla-ya is going to walk with us as well if you don't mind. Btw, we can eat breakfast on the way there since it's only 7 A.M."

After I pressed send, I rose out of bed and threw on a dark, blue pair of jeans and black sweatshirt. I bid my farewell to Neko, put on a red beanie, and dark brown combat boots. Before walking out the door, I grabbed my black backpack and slung it over one shoulder.*A/N Jungkook is living in his parents' house, but they're currently away* Closing the room to the house, I began walking over to the apartment complex Tzuyu-ssi lived in. As I walked there, I checked my phone and saw a new message from Tzuyu-ssi.

"From: Tzuyu-ssi

Sure we can eat breakfast, and I don't mind walking with Halla-ssi...? I really don't know her though, but then again, I just met you myself last week, Jungkook-ssi! ^^"

Another smile formed on my face as I reached the outside of Tzuyu-ssi's apartment building. I texted her that I was outside and shortly after she came out. Tzuyu wore a red, black and white plaid shirt, black shorts, black tights, and black converse. She had her dark hair down and straight. I couldn't help myself from admiring her style.

"Annyeong, Jungkook-ssi!" Tzuyu-ssi waved her pale hand at me with a cute smile.

I smiled back at her and answered, "Morning, Tzuyu-ssi." She just continued smiling and walked ahead of me. I caught up to her and led her to where we were going to meet up with Halla-ya. The two of us walked to Halla-ya's house in silence except when we shared a few jokes and laughs. The sidewalk was covered with leaves of all different colors for it was in the middle of autumn. As we were nearing Halla-ya's house, Tzuyu went ahead of me on the sidewalk and walked backwards in front of me.

"So, who is Halla-ssi?" Tzuyu-ssi questioned me as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh, she's a childhood friend of mine. I've known her since I was in grade school," I replied as a cold rush of wind blew into my face. She responded in a slight nod. The wind rustled the leaves and tree branches as well as blew Tzuyu-ssi's hair onto her face. The smell of strawberries flowed into my nostrils. What a sweet smell...

A couple of minutes later, the two of us arrived at Halla's house to find her waiting on the front steps. She wore a plain, blue long sleeve shirt, white jeans, and Adidas black superstars. At first, she only saw me then she saw Tzuyu-ssi. She walked up to us with a confused look on her face.

"Hi, Halla-ya," I greeted her and she smiled back a bit unsure. I noticed her glance over at Tzuyu.

"Yeah... hi. Who, uhm, is she?" Halla-ya asked me with a questioning gaze.

"Oh, she's in a few of our classes... I guess you haven't noticed her around. I just started talking to her a few days ago. Umm, I hope you don't mind walking with her," I said with a pleading look. She released a sigh and nodded. The two girls introduced themselves to eachother. I noticed that Halla-ya was quite stiff and cold towards Tzuyu, but I decided to confront the problem later. The three of us began walking to the eatery. The entire way there Halla-ya dragged me by the arm and only spoke to me. Every now and then I'd turn back and mouth an apology to Tzuyu, and all she'd do is smile and mouth that it's fine. Damn, I felt bad. Halla-ya had always been clingy when I worked with other girls on projects at school, but I didn't know she could act like this if I were to attempt to make another friend that's a girl... I hope she doesn't know about the rumors, well, the truth about me or else she'd never want to or trust me with other girls.

Once we reached the breakfast place, it was already 8 A.M., but it was fine since our classes started at 10 A.M. on Thrusdays. Halla-ya ran in ahead of us for she had been complaining about being hungry and her stomach growling. Before Tzuyu and I walked in, I grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around so she faced me. At first, she seemed surprised, but then she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes?" She asked me and smiled. I made a concerned look on my face and let go of her shoulder.

"Sorry about not being able to talk to you," I apologized and expected her to react how Halla usually did. I thought she'd start yelling a me and saying you better be and ask her to repay with dirty things like how Halla-ya always did. Yeah, Halla-ya had become one of those girls. She would always tell me it would not do any harm, so yeah. I mean I guess it doesn't, but it does get tiring sometimes because it isn't someone new. I knew later I would have to repay Halla because I brought along Tzuyu with us without asking her first. Snapping out of my thoughts, I waited for Tzuyu's answer.

"Oh no, it's really fine, Jungkook," she responded with a cute smile and walked into the eatery. My eyes widened in surprise and scratched the back of my head. Okay then...

Inside, we took our time eating our food, and of course, Halla-ya only spoke to me. Shortly after 9:30 A.M., we walked to school again, Tzuyu trailed behind us. When we reached the campus, we went to our classes and attended our classes.


"Ahh... It's finally 3:00. Ughhhhh, it's so annoying taking 5 classes in one day..." I began talking to myself as I exited through the doors of the school. I wonder if I wait here I'll see Tzuyu... I really want to find a way to make up for earlier.

So, I decided to wait for about 30 minutes as other students passed by. A few of the girls checked me out and I noticed them drool over me. Even IU-sunbaenim walked pass me, she caught me look at her and she sent an air kiss and made a call me signal with her hand. I looked down at the ground and back up and shrugged, causing her to continue walking.

Just when it hit the 30 minutes mark, I someone lightly punch my right bicep. I glanced over hoping for it to be Tzuyu, but nope. It was Halla-ya.

"Aww, were you waiting for me?" Halla-ya smiled triumphantly. I shook my head and her smile disappeared and was replaced with a glare.

"Then, were you... waiting for that girl from earlier?" I sensed the sharpness in her voice.

"Maybe I was," I stated in a bored voice. She released a sigh; I could tell she was trying to retain her composure.

"Too bad. You have to repay me. Let's go," Halla-ya argued dragging me to the exit. There's no avoiding this...

Hey guys! Yay! First chapter is finally out after the long wait! Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment! :)

~Winter_Solstice ♡♡♡♡♡

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