Chapter 3

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"Umm, I-I'm sorry, but I have to go," I lied to Jungkook, avoiding his eyes.

"Hmph, alright see you tomorrow. I'll pick you up from your apartment again, so we can walk to school tomorrow," he responded with a smirk on his face. Hastily, I packed up my belongings and hurried out his house. I walked home as fast as I could.

As soon as I got out of his home, I covered my mouth with my hand and felt tears forming in my eyes. What is he doing? I questioned his actions while beginning to walk away. In my bag, I heard my phone go ding. I rummaged through my bag until I felt my phone.

"From: Jungkook

Hey, Tzuyu. Mianhae about today. It must have startled you... Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Reminder, I'm walking with you to school again tomorrow! Lol 😚"

Furrowing my eyebrows, I shoved my phone back into my bag. Wtf happened back there... I asked myself again, recalling what Jungkook did to me.

Once I reached my apartment, I plopped myself down onto my bed. Abruptly, I remembered Sana and I shared an apartment since we decided to attend the same college. Huh, I thought she'd be home considering she has been sick for the past few week, lol. I was already starting to feel better.

While on my bed, I pulled out my phone from my bag. I scrolled through my contacts, looking for someone to talk to. Aha! I tapped the call button.

"Yeoboseyo," the person on the other line answered quite fast.

"Ah, Jackson!" I answered cheerfully, a smile automatically appearing on my face.

"Mmm, Yoda-yah. Haha! What's up?" Jackson replied. I pouted when he called me Yoda, but I then smiled and released a sigh.

"Umm... Actually, can we talk tomorrow after school...?" I asked and braced myself.

"Aish, jinja, Tzuyu... You called me, but then you tell my you want to talk tomorrow... Whatever, fine," Jackson sighed. I could not help, but grin.

"Alright, see ya tomorrow."

"Mmm, annyeong," he said and then hung up. Pulling my phone away from my ear, I sat back up and placed my phone on my nightstand. That pabo Jungkook-ssi... What in the world were the both of us thinking?

The unanticipated click of the door pulled me back to reality. Eh? Who is it...?

I hopped off of my bed and cautiously enter my small living/dining room, which was close to the door. "Hello?" I asked when I heard footsteps on the wooden floors.

"Oh!~ Tzuyu-yah, annyong," an aegyo filled voice filled my ears.

"Ah, Sana, hi," I answered as I stepped into the living room. Sana was wearing a beige trench coat, leggings, and a pair of brown riding boots. She gave me a gleeful smile and closed the door behind herself.

While taking off her shoes, she questioned, "Tzuyu, how were you today? Oh, and that Jungkook boy you've been talking about to me."

"About him... He's... interesting," I replied with a half-hearted smile. Sana let out a laugh and passed me, going into our room. Shortly after her, I followed her into our room. *A/N of course they have separate beds*

"By the way, I'm finally feeling better, so I'm going to walk to class with you tomorrow!" she gleamed as she plopped onto her bed in her pajamas. I also laid down on my bed, but I could not help from smiling at her words.

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