Chapter 4

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At first, I was thinking, "Who in world is this and why is she in Tzuyu's house?" After I took a few seconds, I realized she must obviously be Tzuyu's friend. Then, I took a good look at her. I realized she was extremely pretty. I never though a non-Westerner could pull off that hair color so well. I was so in awe that I did not even realize she was talking to me.

When I heard, "I'm going to call the police," I was suddenly brought back to reality. 

"Wai-" I began and took a few steps forward, but I was cut off. Smack. It was not a hard slap on the face, but I do not know why I was so surprised even though I've been smacked by Halla before.

The goddess glared at me and kept her hand by her chest. I'll be damned. She sure did have bust. Before she could notice I looked there, I met her in the eyes. They were so full. Aish, what the hell? She's so sexy but cute...

"Ah, mianhaeyo," I bowed, unsure of her status, but I figured she must be at least younger than me. I stayed in that bow for a little while before a heard a loud laugh come from me.

"Tzuyu?!?!" the goddess with golden, brown hair exclaimed with her mouth wide open. I turned around to see Tzuyu dying of laughter on the ground in the doorway. 

"Ahaha, jinja... Sana, you're so funny," Tzuyu said between laughs. I dared to glance back at the Goddess called Sana-ssi. She appeared to be extremely flustered. We made eye contact, and I felt my heart leap. Sana-ssi knit her eyebrows together and hesitantly lifted her small, white hand, pointing her finger at me.

"Then, who is this...?" Sana-ssi asked Tzuyu while pointing at me. Tzuyu did not answer until she stood up and stopped breaking out in tears of laughter.

"It's Jungkook," Tzuyu smiled, walking past me and towards Sana-ssi. She patted Sana-ssi on the back and whispered something into her ear. Sana-ssi looked to the ground and then into my eyes. Fuck. She's so different. 

"Annyeong, jeoneun Sana-imnida," she introduced herself in a soft, cute voice compared to when she was shouting earlier. 

I attempted to smile as politely as possible and answered, "Ah, I'm Jungkook." I could tell the smile she gave me was forced.

"I'm sorry about hitting you earlier," she apologized; the way she looked and sounded made me know it was genuine. 

"No, no. It's fine. Let's start over," I smiled at her. I noticed her face lighten up and a smile form on her face.

"Okay, okay. Let's get going guys. It's 8:30. Yes, I know class is at 1:00, but I want to be able do things before class," Tzuyu said with an exaggerated frown. 


Sana and Tzuyu walked ahead of me while conversing about some girl stuff. A cool breeze whist past, reminding us that fall was on the way. We continued to follow the sidewalk as we passed by businesses and local eateries. Tzuyu stopped abruptly and turned around to face me.

"Ah... Jungkook, is Halla-ssi going to be tagging along with us today?" She asked with a bit of spite in her voice. Sana turned around as well and stared at me.

"Who's Halla-ssi...?" She whispered over to Tzuyu. 

Tzuyu waved her hand in Sana-ssi's face and mouthed, "Later."

I pulled my phone out of my pants and checked to see if I had any text messages from Halla. Nope. "Well, I got a bunch of new texts from a bunch of girls, but not a single one is from Halla-yah. So nope; she isn't tagging along. I'm quite surprised, though..." I answered Tzuyu. 

"I'm quite surprised so many girls text you, considering you're not even that attractive," Sana-ssi retorted, and I furrowed my eyebrows. What? She must have hit her head... Girls are always attracted to me...

I was about to shoot an insult, but I held my tongue. She had a brash look on her face, and her eyes were blazing. Did I do something...?

"Yah, Sana! That was rude he didn't even do anything to you. What's up with you?" Tzuyu interfered, and she gave me a "I'm sorry about that" glance. In response, I nodded my head and went ahead of them. When I passed Sana-ssi, she had a somewhat remorseful look on her face which was partially hidden by her long hair. I came to a halt when I encountered a bench not too far from the girls. I sat down and rested my head on the top of the headboard. I slowly felt my body relax and mind go blank.


"Sana-yah, what's wrong? It isn't like you to act like that," Tzuyu implied gently. I continued to stare at the ground and peered up at her through my long, blonde hair. 

"I just don't like him already. He must be a freaking fuckboy," I demurred as I clenched my fists. Tzuyu did not seemed surprise when I answered. So she knew, but she still hung out with him... And I thought she had feelings for Jackson. 

"Okay, but what did he do to you?" Tzuyu defended the fuckboy. 

I closed my eyes and began,"Well, when I was in high school, my boyfriend was cheating on me with three separate girls... It really hurt, okay? You don't understand; you're lucky you've never been cheated on. Just..." I felt the right side of my face become wet for a tear was rolling down my cheek. I opened my eyes again and saw Tzuyu's eyes fill with concern.

"Oh... Sana, I'm sorry to hear that, but you cannot judge Jungkook by appearance. For heaven's sake you're not even dating him, so he can't cheat on you. Go apologize and once you actually know more about him, I don't care if you're mean to him or not. Okay?" Tzuyu encouraged me to do so. 

"What! No, I'm no-" I faltered after I dared a glance in Jungkook's direction. He was resting on a bench a ways from us. "Fine, I'll try to get to know him first..."

"Yay! Now first, go apologize to him," she smiled at me, grabbed my arm, and dragged me over to him. As we approached him, he did not move a single muscle. I guess he's really asleep.

"Uh-hem, hey, uh, Jungkook-ssi," I spoke to him. Tzuyu continued to walk, and she shoed me away when I tried to follow her.  "Hey, excuse me... Wake up," I started up again. All he did was stay silent and kept sleeping. I pouted and hit him in the shoulder a few times until he grunted.

"Huh?" He exasperated and his eyes shot open, "Ah, Sana-ssi!"

"Er, mianhae about the way I spoke to you earlier. It was wrong of me," I confided as I met his eyes. 

Jungkook-ssi smiled softly and began, "It's fine. Do you mind if we start fresh?" Staring at my shoes, I nodded my head hesitantly.

"By the way, I didn't mean it when I said you aren't attractive," I started to say when I looked back at his face. He lifted one of his hands to the side of his face and scratched at his scalp. His face turned slightly red, and I realized what I had said.

"N-No, I mean I-I don't find you attractive, but I can understand why other girls do," I hastily explained to him. He just started to laugh, and I felt myself grow frustrated. Don't think I'm going to start liking another fuckboy. I see right through him. 

"Alright guys, it's time to go. We still need to eat," Tzuyu complained while Jungkook was still laughing.

"Okay, okay, let's go," Jungkook answered and glanced back at me with a smile.


Thanks for reading! See you again next chapter! :)



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