Chapter 5

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I started to walk ahead of the two of them, and Jungkook quickened his pace to catch up. I glanced over at his face and noticed he was smiling like a fool.

"Jungkook-ah, you're freaking smiling like an idiot right now," I told him in between chuckles. He just faced me and started laughing. "Okay, you are definitely insane." 

"Probably," he responded as we got to the entrance of the breakfast place. I entered the eatery first and began to order my food; I also knew what Sana liked so I ordered for her as well while I was at it. Whilst waiting for them to make the orders, I scanned the inside of the place and realized neither Sana nor Jungkook were here. I then glanced outside the window and saw that Jungkook had been waiting for Sana outside since Sana had fallen behind earlier. Shortly after they called my number for my order, the two came inside. 

"Ah, Tzuyu. You know me so well! Haha," Sana smiled when she noticed that I already ordered her favorite sandwich. Jungkook glanced at the food I ordered and then at me.

"Well, where's mine? Shouldn't you know me already as well?" He pouted and crossed his arms. I felt my face heat up. Why in the world did I just get flustered by that... I stayed silent and looked at Jungkook.

"Kidding, kidding," he laughed, turned around, and went to the counter to order his food. I released a sigh and grabbed my tray; Sana grabbed hers silently and followed me to one of the four people sitting booths.

"Sana-yah, are you okay? You've been glaring ever since I saw you outside while Jungkook was waiting for you..." I finally asked her, placing my tray on the table. She slid in next to me and just began to dig in. 

"I really don't like Jungkook-ssi. I thought you liked Jackson for heaven's sake," Sana finally exploded as I started to eat my soup. She had already finished her sandwich somehow and decided to interrogate me. 

"What? I like Jungkook, but only as a friend... So, please chill. Plus, I do like Jackson, and I'm even hanging out with him today after-school," I explained to my best friend. Her face lit up and a smile formed on her face.

"Ah, that's a relief. From what I've heard from other girls, Jungkook is a real, big fuckboy. To be honest, I think Jungkook is relatively attractive and is using it to his advantage. I think I'm doing a really good job at not falling for his acts to get me to like him so he can just use me. I just can't find myself being attracted to someone who gets into girls' pants without actually liking them," Sana began to rant to me. I was about to tell her that Jungkook actually almost hooked up with me last night as well as Halla-ssi, but Jungkook arrived at the table right before I opened my mouth to talk.

"Alright, time to eat at last," Jungkook slid into the booth. For the rest of the morning meal, I could not help but notice Jungkook stealing glances at Sana-yah...


When we got to class, our professor realized that Sana had not been assigned a partner for the project, so she set her to me and Jungkook's group. 

"Yay, Sana! Aren't you happy?" I turned to Sana who was sitting to my right. With a pout, Sana turned to face me and shook her head no and motioned to Jungkook who sat in front of her. Also, Halla-ssi sat in front of me which sucked because she kept turning towards me and glaring. I sighed and shook my head. When the bell rang at the end of the class, Jungkook hastily left the room before could even call him; Halla-ssi followed him rather fast, so I decided it would be better to leave them be. Glancing to Sana, she was just packing up her books and then looked over to me after she finished. 

"What's up, Yoda-yah?" Sana smiled and walked towards me. I grinned back as we started to walk outside of the classroom. 

"I was just thinking that I already have plans with Jackson-ah the rest of the evening, so you and Jungkook are going to have to work on the project together today. Mianhae, Sana," I added the apology at the end to hopefully increase the chance that she would not get mad at me.

To my surprise, Sana replied, "Hmm, I guess I'll do it for you. I'm probably better when it comes to guys because I don't fall for them just because they are good at flirting. Just have fun with Jackson, okay? I love you guys together so much!"

I felt my face warm up, and I ended hugging her before telling her, thank you and good luck with him. After she nodded, she turned around and went off in the direction Halla and Jungkook went in. 


I made my way down the corridor of glass panes and the evening sun filtered through and shone onto my golden, blonde hair. Stopping in the middle of the corridor, I felt a smile creep onto my face and pushed my all hair to one side of my neck. I leaned against the metal bars and looked down at my feet. He should come back this way since our exit is close to our last class... Speaking of which I wonder why he went that way with that Halla person.

"Hmm, what time is it...?" I mumbled to myself. I heard a few footsteps and glanced over to where I expected Jungkook to appear from. 

"Ah, it's 3:00 P.M. actually," a brownish, platinum haired guy told me while looking at his phone. He glanced up at me from his phone and bowed, saying, "Hello, I'm Taehyung by the way." I smiled awkwardly and nodded, bowing back.

"Thanks...? I'm Sana," I answered hesitantly. He eye smiled at me, and I felt my cheeks grow warm from how attractive he was. 

"Nice to meet you, so what is a pretty girl like you, Sana-ssi, doing standing around here for?" Taehyung-ssi questioned as he leaned against the railing next to me. I opened my mouth to answer, but a familiar voice cut me off before I could even begin.

"Oh, Taehyung-ah!" I immediately knew it was Jungkook, and he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw me next to Taehyung, "And Sana-yah?" 

"Jungkookie, you know her? I was accompanying her because she looked really lonely, haha. Hey, it's not right to keep a girl waiting for you, pabo," Taehyung scolded Jungkook, and I couldn't help myself but laugh. Once I stopped and looked back up, Jungkook was smiling at me and quickly turned back to Taehyung-ssi. I furrowed my eyebrows again and then crossed my arms.

"Well, it's okay, Taehyung-ssi. Thanks, but Jungkook didn't know I was waiting for him," I explained to them, "Jungkook-ssi, Tzuyu-yah has plans with someone else today, so she told me to just get caught up on the project with you today."

"I see, then Taehyung we better be heading back. Bye," Jungkook said to him, and then began walking towards the entrance. Great now I'm stuck with him...

I followed after Jungkook and glanced back at the handsome, Taehyung, saying, "Annyeong, see you around Taehyung-ssi. Nice to meet you!" I started to walk backwards and he waved back at me with an awkward, yet cute smile. He eventually turned around and disappeared into the other end of the corridor. He's so handsome... I though to myself silently still walking backwards. Thump. 

"What are you doing, seriously?" I heard Jungkook's voice and felt his arms crossed on his chest which I was leaning against. I peered up at him to only see him staring right back down at me. He had this hardened look on his face and was narrowing his eyes at me.

"What, well, it doesn't concern you. I was just saying bye to Taehyung-ssi. Besides, I honestly think you should've just asked the teacher to let you work with Halla-ssi; I don't want to work with a fuckboy like you," I bit back and pushed myself off of him. Walking past him, I continued to go to the exit and the rest of the way to his house there was silence.


Yay, finally got another chapter out! I feel like my writing is actually quite lack-luster lately when it comes to writing stories like this now, but fighting!

-재화 <3


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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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