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After office hours, I've been religiously working-out in the gym and try to stay fit somehow. One ordinary day, I felt a bit sluggish to do my routine. So I thought of doing my workout session into another branch for a change of environment. As I got into the gym, I noticed that this branch is not that busy as compare to other branches. Since I am not really in the mood that day, I thought of just having a steam bathe.

Upon entering the room, I saw a fairly tanned young lady with a slim hourglass body figure lying on one of the bench with a white face towel covering her eyes. Nothing really unusual. So, I went to the bench across hers, took off my towel, lie down and covered my eyes with a wet face towel. While I try to relax, I was thinking of getting up as she goes and approach her with a small talk. After a few minutes, I heard a group of ladies came in the room. As I opened my eyes my face towel fell on the ground then I immediately grabbed my towel and got up and noticed the bench across me is empty. I stepped out and head to the locker room to see if I can catch the young lady. I checked my phone and got startled upon seeing the time. What? I fell asleep in the steam room for over 30mins. Whew! and she was not here any more. With my disappointment, I took a quick shower dressed up and leave the gym. While walking, I just keep on seeing her image in my mind and I just can't get her out of my head.

It's rush hour, so let me hangout at Starbucks with a cup of coffee instead of getting stuck in traffic. I got my Americano already I looked around and I realized, the weather is nice for me to stay inside the coffee shop so I went out and look for a vacant table. The shop is pretty packed that day and all tables are occupied. Then I saw a table with only one woman sitting. I gathered my guts, took a deep breathe and approach then woman who is reading that time.

"Hi! Are you with someone or waiting for someone?"


"Do you mind?" While getting my hands on the chair.

"No. I'm just waiting for someone" She answered. I wasn't even able to finish what I'm about to say but I guess it's obvious.

A woman with a few words.

When I'm about to take a seat, my heart suddenly pounded so fast when I saw a gym bag on the other chair next to her. Yes, I suspect that she was the lady I am with inside the steam room. I paused and took a deep breathe. Then she looked at me with a poker face while holding her book.

I smiled at her and sat down.

Thank you :)

She smiled back then she continue to read her book.

It was so awkward. We were sitting on one table but we are not talking. I pretend to be busy with my phone and take a glance of her face every now and then. In my head I am trying to formulate on what topic I should bring up so I can come up with a good conversation with her.

"How was your nap?" She asked

I got stammered. "Aaahh... Huh?"

"In the steam room. You must be very tired huh?!" she chuckled

"Oh you were the lady across my bench?" Pretended that I didn't know and I was surprised.


"Geeeezzzeee did I snore?"
I can feel that my blood is rushing to my head out of embarrassment.

She giggled. Hmmm just a slight she said then she reached her hands to me. "I'm Rachelle"

Whoa! In my mind. Did that just happened?

"I'm Val." Then we shook hands.

She continue to read her book and I pretended to be busy on my phone. I was thinking on how can I create a small talk or probably get her number until another young lady approached us. It was the person she was waiting. Rachelle stood up "I'll go ahead, nice meeting you Val" I already have a chance and I let it go. I didn't even got her phone number. The next day I went on the same branch but I didn't see her. I continue to go there for a week but I never saw any more.

One day, I got lazy to do my routine so I just decided to have a cup of coffee and chill. I am sitting at the veranda of the coffee shop when a lady asked me if she can share a table. As I looked at her I was astound. It was Rachelle.

She smiled at me "How are you?" she asked

"I got lazy to do my routine so here I am. and you? I have not seen you for a long time"

"Yeah, pretty busy at work" 

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