September 12,2015

15 1 0

Jenna and her friend Holly went over to Annabeth's house. Walking back down her driveway they hear a voice in a distance. They all three turn around and see Nathan,Benny,and Jamie looking right at them. They knew it was best not to get involved with yesterdays drama. So they turned back around and carried on what they were doing.

The three guys were stalking them following them where ever they go. Up and down the street the three girls ran. Finally they reach Donald's house they knock on the door and he answered. Annabeth explained how the guys were following them and they knew the guys wouldn't dare mess with Donald. They hear from an distance "Stop running from us we are trying to say sorry to you". 

Jenna,Holly,Annabeth, and Donald went up to them Nathan said he was sorry for putting us threw all this drama when he was doing all these bad things.  

We forgave him but i wish we never did 

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