When Hunters Attack

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   My head was at a slight angle, glaring daggers into a pink purse, scarf wearing blond. She had her head down looking at her work in front of her.
   Onyx was back, they all were, well, all three now. They weren't my favorite people at the moment. They were hunters, that hunt dragons. My kind. I didn't know much, but what I did know was what Dragolya and Mistory told me. They were heartless monsters.
    Onyx finished writing her sentence and slowly looked up to face me. At first innocence played on her face, then an evil grin slowly came to greet me.
    My eyes widened at first then I went back to glaring. That evil little witch...
    I looked back down at my work, and from the corner of my eye I saw her do the same. They can't touch me while I'm at school, well, they can't hurt me here. Maybe verbally, but not physically, without getting into trouble.
    I've got to remember to tell Dragolya and Mistory about last night. My mom, and my dad. I mean, really, how can I not forget that my mom has gone mad and my dad left a message to me through an etched sign in my bed frame.
    I didn't even glance at my mom this morning, nor did I eat breakfast. She woke me up and then immediately began doing 'dishes' before I left. I just can't wrap my mind around it that my mom had lied to me all these years about Dad being a drunk and abusive.
    I looked up at the clock. The big hand was moving too slow as it ticked every minute. I had five minutes till I was free to leave this place, and scram to the bus that would await me so that I don't have to bump into Onyx, or any of them.
    The bell finally rang and I grabbed my stuff and scurried out the door. But my shoulder was grabbed and redirected towards the student parking lot. I looked back to see Onyx guiding me in that direction. When I went to confront her, I felt something cold and sharp touch my back. I froze but kept walking. "What do you what want?" I said as we went through the door to the parking lot.
    "Just shut up and keep walking." She said shoving the sharp object farther into me, almost breaking the skin.
    "Ow." Is all I said. I looked around, no one looked at us in a strange way. I looked back to see that Onyx was positioned as if we were walking as friends. Oh the thought...
    She made me walk faster towards a navy SUV. She opened the driver side door and told me to crawl over to the passenger seat. She put her pink pocket knife back in her pocket and hopped inside.
    I looked at the door to my right and gripped the handle, ready to jump out and run. Then I heard the cocking of a gun. I slowly looked back to see her holding a pistol, just below the dash so no one outside could see it.
    "Try anything, and I'll put a bullet in you. Don't make this difficult for you then it's already gonna be. Okay?"
    "How difficult?"
    She glared at me and started the car violently.
   I looked forward and sighed. What ever she had planned for me, was not going to be any shopping spree. I had to get out of this car. I could jump out while she's driving and risk a broken bone, I can just heal it, after a few minutes. But I'd probably also get shot in a crucial area on my way out, and Onyx would probably just chase me.
    Onyx frequently checked her mirrors more than any normal person would. I looked behind us, but no one was there. I looked foreword again and concentrated on where we were so, when I escaped, I knew where to go.
    Lonely cherry tree. Swerve road sign. Large mossy rock side. Three blue houses. Cleared lot. Rock, tree, tree...
Dang this was getting hard. Everything just began to blend into woods.
    "Where are we going?"
    "What did I say about being quiet." She said coldly, glaring into the road.
   "Where. Are we. Going?" I demanded, turning my eyes gold.
    With a loud bang and a sting, she fired a shot into my calf. At first I was in shock and just stared at my leg, then I felt a stinging and then pain from the bullet that decided to stay in my calf. I yelled out an "Ow" while gripping my leg. My eyes turned red in rage, I breathed heavily and growled at her.
    She aimed the gun at my head. "Try anything and I'll have to clean the window from your brainy mess..."
    I growled at her but didn't attack. I certainly didn't want my brains blown against the window. I swallowed and turned my attention to my calf. It hurt like heck! I couldn't heal, the bullet was still in there, poisoning me.
    I put my hand over the bleeding wound, but it only made it hurt worse. I cried out again. "Ah! Your such a monster!"
    She laughed. "I'm the monster? You and your kind are the monsters!" She laughed as if it was obvious. "Do you realize what you are? Your kind are pillagers, destroyers of mankind itself!"
    I looked at her with almost pity. "Onyx, this the 21st century. The dragons you may read in-" I winced from the pain in my leg. "... fairytales, are not the same. I don't know how my kind may have acted back then-"
    "Ask Mistory." She said a humorous tone. "Or Dragolya." She looked at me with a nervous smile. It was like she was going crazy. "What stories have they told you huh? 'Oh it's great being a dragon! We're so free, and don't give a crap about anything!'" She mimicked in a high voice. "They aren't who they say they are, Amber." There was a pause as she looked out onto the road. An evil grin came upon her face. "But since you've been around them for awhile, your bound to know some of their weak spots and their precious backgrounds..."
    I gasped. She's gonna try to get information about the girls out of me. I took a deep breath and winced at the pain that just randomly shot up my leg. I've got to keep my cool. "What is it you want from them?"
    She didn't say anything but craned her head and squinted her eyes to look down the road. She slowed to a stop at a yellow erosion sign.
    I looked around, but didn't see anyone in sight. I looked at her with confusion. "Why'd we stop?" I asked. But she just stared in return.
   I was about to ask again when my door opened and large hands ripped me from the car and onto the ground. They forced me back up to face them. The large man violently forced my arms together and tied them with a thick rope.
    I was too shocked to do or say anything. About six other men and women were putting things into the SUV. They all had hardened faces, many with scars on their bodies. They were dressed like regular civilians, but my nose said, hunters. They had that certain smell to them... Like a stink.
    They tossed in sleeping bags and camping supplies. Gas stove, cooler, backpacks. It was like we were picking up a group of hitchhikers.
    I was shoved into the very back with all the sleeping bags, the gas stove and cooler. A smaller man hopped in the back with me, while all the other seats were taken. He grabbed my feet and quickly wrapped them in wire and tightened it by twining the ends together.
    The wire pinched my ankles, and the rope burned and scraped against my skin. I wriggled uncomfortably. The bullet lodged in my calf burned and ached. I helplessly stared at the man next to me who tried to ignore me. "What's going on?" I breathed out, not sure if I was really asking him that.
    He looked at me as if I was the mother of all parasites. But I continued to stare. He looked as though he had to say something now. "We're gonna make ya talk..." Is all he said and then looked back out the window.
    I did the same and watched in a green blur as we went farther and farther away from Concrete, or wherever we were now. There was no use in fighting now, there were too many of them. What ever they were going to do... I really didn't want to think about it.
    "Why are you different?" The man next to me whispered aloud.
    I looked at him and pressed myself against the other side of the car. I furrowed my brows.
   "Your not like your kind." He narrowed his eyes at me.
   I was afraid to speak, for once he heard my voice, he may change his sudden gentleness towards me. "Wh-what do you mean?" I answered hesitantly.
    "Your not fighting...why?" He asked quietly. Though his tone was soft, his eyes still showed an evil hatred towards me.
    "No reason too." I simply replied.
   One of the girl hunters snapped her head back and glared at me. She returned to her position slowly.
    "I've encountered so many of your kind. But non of them acted as you are right now. Right now, they would be lashing out at us, fighting for their life, and using their curses in anyway to stop us."
    "Curses? Their gifts." I corrected.
    "Heh." He coldly laughed. "Right."
    If he was just going to mock me I wasn't going to listen. I looked back out the window and tried to focus on the trees.
   "What's yours?" He asked.
   I looked at him. He really wanted to know. "I'll show you." I said extending my hand to him.
    His face became hard again. "No, your not going to use me a test toy..."
    "Okay..." I said lowering my hand. "I'll just tell you then. I can heal." I said quietly.
    "You can already do that."
    "I can heal faster though, and I can heal others." I said louder, becoming more confident.
    The hunter girl turned around again. "Hey! Shut up!" She yelled at me.
    I narrowed my eyes at her and rottenly looked back out the window with a scowl on my face.
    After a few minutes of awkward silence, the sound of something exploding beneath the car made everyone jump.
   The first reaction of the guy next to me was turning to me with a scowl. "What did you do?"
    "Nothing! I did nothing!" I exclaimed holding up my bound hands, hoping they wouldn't hurt me.
    "You did something." He mumbled while the car slowed to the side of the road and he jumped out of the back.
    I could scoot forward and get out and just run for my life through the woods right now. I flinched wanting to move toward the door, but at the back of my mind were doubts. I can't run as fast with my hands bound, and a bullet in my calf. They were bound to catch me. When I felt the pinch of the wire at my ankles I was reminded that my ankles were tied together. I can't run.
    Three others jumped out. "It's a flat." I heard one of them say. "Go get the spare." Another said.
    I bent down and used my fingers to untwine the wire.
    The bigger man that tied my wrists together came to the back of the car, and I flinched back so he wouldn't see that I was untying myself. He opened the door and pulled the spare tire out that was along the side of the wall where the smaller guy across from me sat. He didn't glance at me, but focused on getting the tire out.
    Once he was gone I continued to undo the wire on my ankles frantically. With my hands tied closely together, it was hard to move the wire with six fingers. I couldn't move fast enough, it felt like I was moving in slow motion. I was running out of time to get away.
    I felt them kickstand the car up a little ways. I had to hurry.
    The wire around my ankles loosened and I pulled them up to get them fully undone. My legs were free. I could run now, I could run far enough away to where they couldn't find me. But not with my hands tide in front of me.
    A loud gun shot rang from outside the car towards the woods. I ducked down immediately. I looked around frantically looking for who ever was shooting their gun.
    The hunter lady behind me looked up in shock. "What's going on out there?" She yelled.
    There was an immediate response. "Garry's down! Were being attacked!" One of the men shouted. I watched his figure, hunched over, drag the body around the car. But he soon went down before he could make it after another loud shot was fired. Blood splattered the back window and I screamed.

Have Dragolya and Mistory come to the rescue Amber?

Will the rescuers be able to stop all of those hunters?

Read on to see!
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