conversion therapies piss me off beyond belief, I cannot find the words to accurately describe how much I hate them.
so if you don't know (but I think everyone does) they're these therapies to turn LGBT+ kids straight and/or cis. They're fucking awful.
I think they're banned in the US but I'm not sure so I'm gonna rant about them anyways.
It's so fucked up to force a kid into that. Why would you be such a dick of a parent that you'd send your gay/trans/bi/etc. kid to them? Like actually spend money to torture your kid into heterosexuality if that's just not them?
you know what they do there? they break kids the fuck down, making them feel like shit until they go back in the closet, too horrified to come back out. sometimes they're so scared they convince themselves they're straight and that's awful. if you're gay you're fucking gay and nothing can change that, it's just who you are.
I've heard they show gay kids straight porn, or show gay boys nude women and men, shocking him if he shows interest in the men. Of course I haven't checked these facts because I just get too frustrated by it before I can actually look at anything. but I'm sure it's been done. this is shit I'm pretty sure they actually do there and it's awful.
why the fuck would anyone think it's okay to hurt or put someone down for who they love or who they are? I cannot see how someone would think that's the right thing to do. I don't give a fuck about your gender or your sexuality, I'm not going to fucking torture you about it.
honestly these just infuriate me so much ugh