The Convention of 2015

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1st: Its been 2 years already, I've become some what successful with my hobby. Today is January the 28th. Its our first day at Pax, Me, Dlive, Wade, and Bob. We all went today, it was a blast. Honestly I don't think I've had that much fun in ages. I had so much fun I got drunk on accident. Whoops. Anyways, we stayed out all night up until 3 am. When it was time to go, we all went into our hotel. Unfortunately, everyone thought it was good idea to have me in charge of the keys. So we got into the elevator and we all stood there for a good 4 minutes. Wade finally asked, "Hey, why isn't the elevator moving?" I then said," Oh! I forgot to push the button" Hehehehe, I silently chuckled as Wade gave me a confused stare. Then we got up to our floor and they all created a line behind me. We arrived at our door, I struggled to get the key in but as I twisted and turned the door just wouldn't budge. Once again Wade corrects me and says, "Entoan, that's not our room" as he facepalms himself. Then once again I chuckle and give the keys to Wade. We all began to follow Wade and within the minute we end up at our cozy room. So there waiting for us was Bob. He went home earlier because he didn't wanna leave the hotel room alone for too long. All of us got comfortable, Dilve hopped onto the only bed we had, Wade sat in one of the chairs there, Bob sat in the other chair, as for me I stood. Wade decided to tell Bob the "adventure" with a drunk trying to get here. As I tried to get my point across I couldn't stop laughing for some unknown reason. I just kept laughing then my laughing caused everyone else to laugh. Then it was an infinity circle of laughing. The thing that broke the laughing up was when ran into the mirror with my back. That's when all the laughfter continued. After a long day I just decided to fall asleep on the floor. I suddenly opened my eyes a bit, and noticed I was being carried to the bed. It was . . . Dlive! He's so kind. He lightly layed me down in the bed and I drifted off to sleep.

Day 2: Not much happened today, it was pretty slow. We got breakfast all together, played some games, bought some merch and yeah. I bought Foxy and Freddy from "Five Nights At Freddy's" . I was pretty excited it was a pretty chill day though. After that we made a few videos then it was time for us to all go home. Dlive and I said our goodbyes to Bob and Wade. I told Dlive if it was okay to ride with him and he said yes. Since my body was exhausted I instantly fell asleep in his car, for it was warm and cozy. He finally drove me home and turns out my father wasn't home. So I asked if I could crash at his house, he said of course. Like always, then I happily smiled.

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