Chapter I: Kim SeokJin

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I may not be the leader,but I'm the eldest hyung. The one that is responsible for all the bullshit you and the rest do.

That means I have to remain as the beacon of normalcy. So when Namjoon can't answer a question, I answer it for him. Even if the answer is stupid as hell and dumb. Because that's what needs to be done.

Right now, you're breathing for yourself, Park Jimin.

We have practice and interviews in a few hours but no one wants to sleep.

It isn't the same.

You'd always say goodnight to everyone of us and say something really greasy like 'I love you guys'. You still continued this over the past few months even when we caused you pain. It hurts to know that you suffered because of us.

When manager hyung said we had to leave Yoongi was resisting. He said we'd miss it when you wake up,Park Jimin.

Taehyung's a wreck and Jungkook is crying for more than one reason now.

I've never seen lots of people crying at once in the same room for a single person. I've never seen everyone so broken.

Hoseok is trying so hard to cheer us up. But there's no use when he's fighting back his own tears.

We need to discuss. Maybe Bangtan isn't suitable for you.

Think about it Park Jimin.

Okay first chapter... I'm sorry if it sucks... my language isn't that great so yeah... Sorry...


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