Chapter X: The Return of Akuma

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Another carmine thread ran down Jimin's left thigh. He watched it roll down the inside before diluting itself in the warm water.

He leaned his head back on the cold, marble wall of the bathroom and sighed long and hard.

'You need to be more careful, idiot!'

'They can't know!'

Tears began dripping onto his cheek. He's been in the tub for the past hour now just staring at nothing until the edges of his vision became frayed and shivered on their own.

How could he be so fucking stupid. He ruined practice for the rest of the members. Again. Just because of his own stupidity.

"Jimin, I need to bath too y'know!?" Yoongi's voice was rough edged as he pounded on the bathroom door.

'You just keep making them mad, Jimin. Even Yoongi can't stand you." The dark chuckle that rose from within his mind made bile rise in Jimin's stomach. It was the voice of a man, sure. However, it wasn't one Jimin recognised. Somehow it has taken residence in his broken soul and it wasn't leaving.

But just because he's named it doesn't mean he wants it. It continued to goad him; prodding every insecurity Jimin had ever had and some fresh new ones he actually never thought of.

He named the voice in his head 'Akuma'. It means demon/devil in Japanese. He decided on that name because well, it suited him very well.

'They're gonna throw you away if you keep fucking up, Jimin."

"Shut the fucking hell up!" The hiss that arose from his throat was reptilian in nature and unrecognizable to him. An he had to admit he actually was frightened of it. Frightened of his own voice. Who knew he could be so mean?

"Is that how it is? Fine! Wait til' I fucking get in there! I'll rip you into pieces!"

Wait. Yoongi? He had forgotten Yoongi was actually out there on the other side.

Yoongi doesn't normally get as mad as this. And if it did happen, he knew he was in deep shit.

'Jiminie~ The blade?' So Akuma actually knew how to be helpful huh?

He slid the sharp item under the bin and washed himself off. He unplugged the bath tub as he watched the slightly pink water wash down the drain.

He said a silent prayer before wrapping himself in his large, baby blue towel. He cringed. The cut on his thigh was starting to burn.

The soft material against his damp skin helped calm his nerves down. Just a little bit though.

He opened the door softly, hoping he could dash out before Yoongi caught him.

Meh. Didn't happen though.

"Cat got your tongue?" Yoongi was as weird as Taehyung when he was angry. He was practically seething as his hands ghosted over Jimin's abdomen, his hand gripping Jimin's towel.

Jimin just prayed that his hyung wouldn't notice the cuts on his thighs.

"Not gonna say anything? Be it then." He smirked down at Jimin.

"That's fine. I know another way to make you talk." The smirk on his face turned wicked.

He began to palm against Jimin's thigh above his towel. Jimin's rolled to the back of his head as he grunted, throwing his head back against the door as Yoongi used his skillfull fingers on him.

"Still going to stay quiet?" He kissed Jimin's jaw, nipping at his ear then alternating between kissing, sucking and licking Jimin's neck.

He was a mess, quickly turning into mush in Yoongi's arms. He bared his throat to Yoongi; hungry for more and at the same time, he wanted to get away from this beast right in front of him. It was too much. Way too much and Jimin was almost close.

Yoongi pulled away as soon as he was going to burst.

He whined and pulled Yoongi in for more.

"So cute, Jiminie. Sorry but I have to shower. You can join me later though, in my room?" He purred, punctuating his sentence by kissing the smaller boy's myscular torso.

"Bye Jimin~" Yoongi cooed, looking down at him with puppy eyes. The glaze in Jimin's eyes disappeared and he rapidly blinked. He left the bathroom in a rush equally as flustered as he was hard.

"Stupid Yoongi."

"Oh my hearteu! Keep that thing in a cage!" Hoseok screamed, rounded the corner and disasappeared into his room. As if as an answer to being called, his erection pulsed and twitched.

"Fucking dumb Yoongi." He cursed under his breath, knowing well that he had to take care of this problem, because Yoongi would probably show up at 3 o'clock in the fucking morning.

He dropped his towel, cringing as he looked down at the wound on his thigh. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he quickly turned away, disgusted at the sight of his own body. Time to take care of his problem.

He laid as thoughts of Yoongi invaded his mind.

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