Chapter VI: Jeon JungKook

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Jimin wasnt his favourite hyung, he had to admit that. But it didn't mean he didn't like him.

His hyung's high notes and eagerness towards dancing whenever music filled the air captivated him.

He had to admit that Jimin's reaction whenever he or the other members teased him was the cutest.

He would pout and over exaggerate the distaste toeards their comments.

Jungkook never felt like what he did was wrong so he continued it over and over again.

How should he know anyways, Jimin would always then brush it off and return back to being overly affectionate.

But at watchibg his hyung now barely breathing on the hospital bed with tubes all over his body.

Where had it all gone wrong.

A tear slipped past.

I'm sorry hyung.

I love you.

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