Chapter II: Kim NamJoon

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I was given the position as the leader of Bangtan for a reason. Even when so many members had left, I was still here. I still stood firm.

With a clear and compassionate head, I led a group of amazingly talented guys to fame.

But it all became more than just that. We became a family. Through practice and recordings, we've come together and made an unbreakable bond. When one of us cries, we all cry. When one of us gets hurt, everyone gets hurt too.

Park Jimin, do you know how many times I've thought if I were a good leader. I kept thinking positive and forced myself to ignore the thought but it still kept coming back each time. Because of you and the other members. I just had to look up to you guys. Especially you, Park Jimin.

You always tried. You always smiled even when things were tough. You handled the situation like a man. You were happy and everyone else is happy.

As a leader, witnessing you teammates improving and working hard is really a great sight. It means you're trying your best.

But what happened?

You look so fragile and small in that hospital gown. Why didn't I see it? Why didn't I see you suffering. It broke my heart to see one of my brothers fighting for his life.

You were being sluggish and unresponsive. I just assumed you were being lazy. The more you slacked, yhe angrier I became, the more I pushed you.

I pushed you too hard, and you fell. You blacked out and hit the floor hard. Then we saw it.

Your ribs, your arms.

Your piercing hip bones.

Your sallow cheeks.

How did we not see it from before. I am so sorry. Hang in there, Park Jimin. We'll save you.


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