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It's been two days since we both admitted how we felt for one another, and neither of us has addressed it since. To be honest, we've just kind of fallen into a routine of showing affection; like holding hands or a light peck on the lips. Nothing more.

After our night at the treehouse, Demi drove us back to her college and I got to see her dorm room. It's really cute - decorated basically the same as her bedroom with black and white bed sheets and purple curtains - and she has a huge collage on one of the walls with pictures of us over the years. She even has the letter I managed to leave for her before my nightmare began; it's pinned in the centre. There's also no roommate which I'm thankful for, I don't really want to have to talk to anyone else other than Demi.

"What are you thinking about baby?" Demi asks in a slightly hoarse voice.

It's late morning and we've only just woken up; with Demi on her side of the bed, leaving me to face her covered wall. I can't help but smile at her pet name for me, man I'm such a dork. Her room has a double bed which we share, and it's been great to be able to hold her close to me. I'm still suffering from nightmares and flashbacks, but thankfully I haven't had another episode like last time.

"Nothing, just admiring your collage of us" I reply before cuddling up closer to her.

"I haven't added anything to it in a while" she admits, and I can hear the sadness filling her voice. "I ran out of pictures."

Trying to avoid any more tears, I turn to face her with a smile on my face.

"Well then, I guess that means we need to take some new pictures" I say with a slight smirk on my face.

"Oh really?" she questions and I nod. "What kind of pictures are we talkin'?"

I bury my face into her chest as giggles escape both of our mouths. We are not good at this type of flirting. At all.

"Oh come on, was it really that bad?" Demi asks, looking at me as I fight off the rest of my laughter.

"Of course not baby, of course not" I reply, looking at her with loving eyes.

"You're such a liar" she scoffs playfully before pretending to be offended by my words, moving out of my arms to sit up and cross her own over her chest.

"Demiiiiiii" I whine, giving her my best pout as she continues to ignore me and look straight ahead, her legs crossed one over the other. I take the opportunity and straddle her waist before placing my hands on either side of her face. "Look at meeeeeee."

The sides of her mouth twitch, as if fighting off a smile, so I decide to push the boundaries a little more.

"Baby, don't be mad" I say in a whisper before leaning in close to her, kissing the side of her mouth. Her breathing hitches, and her hands make their way to my waist, gently holding me. "You know I love you" I add, and feeling brave, my lips find her neck and lightly kiss it.

"Kalani" Demi breathes out in a tone that's meant to sound like a warning, but comes out as more of a moan, causing me to giggle and pull away.

"Yes?" I ask with an angelic smile on my face, knowing that I've done my job.

"I hate you right now" she chuckles as her cheeks flush a tint of red.

"Someone's blushing" I tease as one hand strokes her cheek, only making her blush more.

"Stoppppp" she whines before hiding her face in her hands. "You're making me feel embarrassed."

"Baby, don't be embarrassed. It's actually pretty hot" I admit, causing her to look at me.

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