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"You ready to go baby?" I hear Demi ask from the front door as I continue to stare at myself in the mirror.

Sighing heavily, I say that I'll be right there. True to my word, today I'm attending my first therapy session. If I'm being honest, I don't want to go. I don't want to sit there and have some person analyze me, asking me pointless questions. I don't believe it's going to solve anything. It can't undo the shit that happened to me.

Deciding I've delayed long enough, I head out the car where Demi waits for me. Dianna and Eddie gave me a quick good luck hug, not wanting to pry too much, which I'm grateful for. Demi smiles at me as I enter the passenger side, and immediately grabs my hand in hers once I've buckled my seat belt.

"Hey pretty girl" she says softly, giving me a quick peck on the lips before putting the car into drive.

"I just saw you, but hey" I giggle in response while playing with her fingers. It's a good distraction for what we're heading to.

Ever since that night, Demi and I have been closer than ever. I used to think that it would feel awkward kissing my best friend, but those were thoughts back when I didn't think I stood a chance. I mean, you can't even hold a candle to her. I don't deserve her. But she treats me as if I'm the most prized possession she's ever had. She loves me so hard I feel like I could collapse from it all.

"You nervous?" Demi asks, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"A little" I admit in a quiet voice. "I guess I just don't know what to expect."

"Well for starters, they'll ask you why you think you're here, and then basically explain the real reasons behind your thoughts and stuff. I promise that you have nothing to be scared of baby. Trust me."

I look over at my girlfriend and smile, silently thanking her for the encouragement. She returns the smile, even sticking her tongue out slightly as she giggles. I love when she does that.

"You know, I went to therapy a lot during your disappearance" she admits after some time of silence. I can even see the doctor's building further down the road and have to push down the anxiety.

"Really?" I ask, feeling sad to know that she struggled that much when I was gone. I guess there was always a part of me that doubted her love for me, even back when I thought she only cared as a friend. People's love for me has always been a doubt, thanks to my parents.

"Yeah" she exhales before signalling to turn into the car park. "I never told you this but a part of me really didn't want to be here without you Kal. I couldn't face living in this world without you. You were, and still are, my partner in crime. I'll always need you."

I don't realize I'm crying until Demi reaches over and wipes away my tears. My heart aches at the thought of her ever ending her life. I'm upset at making her feel that way, but then I'm angry at my parents because they put me in this position. They're the cause of all of this.

"I'm sorry" I whisper after taking a few deep breaths to get rid of my anger and anxiety. "I'm so sorry Dem. I wish that none of this would have happened."

"Stop apologizing. I already told you it isn't your fault" she replies, smiling at me lovingly. "One good thing did come out of it Kal. Because of this, we're together."

I smile at that. It's true. I don't think I would have had the guts to confess my true feelings for her had none of this happened. I wrote that letter to her, telling all my feelings, because I thought that I was going to be gone forever. I truly believed that this was the end. For me. For our friendship. For everything.

"You're right. Like you say, you can find a positive in everything right?" I giggle, causing her to join in.

"Yup, it's totally true. For example, some may say that it's shit to have to be up this early in the morning, but I say that it just means I get to witness the sunrise and the world waking up for another day. We're not promised tomorrow, you know that."

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