Thai or Chinese?

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After forty-five minutes of going through the western civilizations, the high pitched bell that signaled the start of class rings again. Like being yanked by a rope, Noah nearly runs out the door. Gathering my bag and jacket, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Surprised, I look at the person. Around three inches shorter than me is a girl with curly red hair and dark brown eyes. I feel happier that I've finally found someone shorter than me.

"I'm Emma. I noticed your Mortal Instruments keychain and I just kinda knew that we would be friends. Those books are my life. I mean, I like The Fault in Our Stars and Eleanor and Park but I think the best books have werewolves, vampires, and mermaids. And -Oh my gosh I love your hair, it's so pretty. I've always wanted hair like that, but I got stuck with this, " motioning to her hair, " But anyway, I'm rambling. What's your next class?"

Fumbling with the zippers on my backpack, I pull out my schedule. Handing it over, her eyes widen. "Yay! We have the same classes! Come on I'll take you to the next period. You'll like Ms. Hemmings, she's pretty chill. Probably the best Language Arts teacher I've ever had." Emma leads me out. The hallway is packed pretty much wall to wall with people.

Feeling thankful to have someone helping me, I let her take me to the next period. With questions like, " Where are you from?" to "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Emma is a welcome distraction from the questioning looks from others.

At one point, I get shoved into a wall by a familiar figure. Chloe looks at me with a weird face before putting her hand to her chest. "I'm so sorry Lizzy. I didn't see you there." Behind her, two girls with the looks of runway regulars, both with legs that stretch on forever and expensive bags. Rubbing my shoulder, I start to lose track of Emma. "Oh, it's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going."

Chloe waves her hand, like it's all forgotten. Pointing to the girls, she introduces them, " That's Olivia and Sophia." Not knowing which is which, I wave. They both put on fake smiles and start to put their attention elsewhere. As though feeling my awkwardness, Emma joins the circle. Tension builds as Chloe and Emma make eye contact. "Hi Emma." Turning to me, Emma ignores Chloe's greeting. "We're going to be late. Come on." With a small apology and a final wave, I break away from the circle.
Emma fuming, we enter the Language Arts classroom. I try to be helpful. " Are you okay?" She looks over and nods. Seeing that lunch is next period, I remind myself to ask her what the heck just happened. The bell rings and the teacher, a round woman with glasses that cover most of her face, announces, "We'll be starting Catcher in the Rye, books are already on your desks." Picking up the book, I try to catch Emma's eye. Like it never happened, she makes a sleeping face as she points to the cover. Laughing, I open the book.

"Sorry I'm late." A very nonchalant Noah slides through the door. "Just go sit down." Ms. Hemmings tries to look stern but just looks like a toddler that was just told to go sit in the corner. The only other seat that's empty is the one in front of me. He glances towards it and stops on me. An annoyed girl whispers to me, "That's his seat," pointing to where I'm sitting. Trying to not make a scene, I change to the empty one.

Noah glides past me, letting me smell the woodsy scent that clings to him. Words are spoken by the teacher, probably talking about the book. But I can't concentrate. It's as though I can feel his eyes on my back and can feel myself squirming. Taking a deep breath, I relax. It's just some guy that doesn't even care about you. He's probably not even paying attention to the lesson. With these thoughts, I concentrate on the teacher.

The time goes by surprisingly fast. In what feels like 10 minutes, the high pitched bell that is becoming less and less annoying chimes.

"So what's the deal with you and Chloe?" I say through a bite of turkey sandwich. A very distraught Emma looks back at me. Sighing, she stabs angrily at her salad. "Well, she's a stupid jerk who needs to stop getting into other people's business." My forehead wrinkles. " So....... why is she a stupid jerk that needs to stop getting into other people's business?"

She looks across the cafeteria and points at a guy with white-blond hair and sharp cheekbones. "That's the reason." Still not understanding, I give her a quizzical look. Licking her lips, Emma continues, " That's my ex-boyfriend. Nathan. She split us up. He was a big sensitive nerd who loved anime and sending me pictures of his turtle, Fred, and she went and turned him into a guy that wears expensive clothing and can smooth talk any girl. At least, any dumb bimbo he wants." Making a sound of disgust, she turns away from staring at his table.

I glimpse over at the table to find Nathan talking lazily to a girl who has her boobs pushed up to the point it makes me want to cover my own. He leans in and brushes her hair back to which they start a game of who can possibly stick the others tongue farther into the other's mouth. Looking back at Emma's face, I give an understanding look.

Coming into the lunchroom, Chloe and her friends guide the attention of all of the lunchroom to themselves, acting oblivious to anyone else. And an unemotional Noah is with her. As in, arm around her shoulders, we're-so-together kinda thing. That makes sense. His gaze connects with mine and it's like everything falls away. People moving, Emma talking; it's like it's just us. For a moment, Noah's face softens. I smile, like we're friends. Like the flipping of a switch, his jaw clenches and he pulls Chloe closer to his side in which she puts one of her hands onto his chest possessively. Ouch. "Hey Lizzy?" Emma snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah? Sorry."  Following my earlier gaze, she spots them. "Ahhhh. So you met Noah?" I give her a sheepish look. "Define met." Remembering myself being a dork, my ears warm. Giggling, Emma continues on, "That she-devil and him have been a thing since he moved here, which was just about-" she looks deep in thought- "two months ago. She's so obsessed with him. Noah this, Noah that." She imitates a shudder,  making both of us laugh.

"Thai or Chinese?" This burning question has been the controversy plaguing us both in the car ride. I give her an incredulous look as we walk through the front door. "Mother, Chinese is the food of champions. I thought we already discussed this."

Chewing on her bottom lip, Mom's face suddenly brightens. "What about both? Let's go a little crazy, I mean, it's your first day at your new school."

Whipping around, she grins.  "How was that by the way?"

Thinking back on it, Emma making jokes throughout all the classes brings a smile to my face. "Pretty good."

My mom's, I-told-you-so face is in full force. I roll my eyes. "Order lots of noodles." Picking up the phone, she slides on her glasses, bracing herself as if for a big responsibility. "You got it."

Dragging my tired feet up the stairs, I drop my backpack outside my bedroom door and walk to the dresser. I pick out some running shorts and a tie-dye tee to change into. Slipping them on, I put on soothing music and fall onto the bed. I'd never had the experience of being a new student, and I smile when I remember I made a friend today. But then my mind switches to Noah.

Thinking of Chloe and him, a weird knot forms in my stomach. Pushing these thoughts from my mind, I close my eyes hoping to take a nap. The image of green eyes follows me to sleep.
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