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My head snaps up, locating the source of the voice. A bright beam of light hits me and makes me cup my hands over my eyes. The silhouette stands only around five feet away, blocking some of the sunlight with their muscular body. I examine them, going feet up, with my eyes. The person has on a clean pair of running shoes and loose shorts that still seem to hug his legs. Making my eyes go upward, I almost stop breathing. The person looking down at me, in a tight shirt showing off every muscle, and a smirk that could make any girl blush, is Noah. Noah, the guy I didn't like.

Despite my still sore legs, I uncrouch and stand up straight, wiping my face free of the tears and sweat that still linger. A pain shoots up my leg, making me tip it against my other, but I ignore it. A new emotion rises up, surprising even me. Anger.

"What are you doing here?" My voice is hoarse from the run but still strong nonetheless.

A look of shock passes over his face before quickly being replaced by one that is impassive. "I was going for a run. What are you doing, lying on the ground?"

Clenching my jaw, I ignore his question. "I thought your ankle was injured." At this accusation, both of our eyes look at his feet, which are both planted on the ground, no sign of pain.

His eyebrows pushed together as he ran his hand through his thick black hair. Hair that looks so soft, my neck tingles as I imagine my hands running through the charcoal strands.

"Who told you that?" The question brings me out of my reverie and I look back at his eyes.

"Your girlfriend." Besides a slight movement of his eye, his face reveals nothing.

"Are you okay?" This question makes me take a step back, aware of my puffy face and sweat still shining on my tan skin, and my uncomfortable ankle. His skin shows no signs of being ruffled, just a thin layer of sweat that doesn't seem to make him any less perfect. In fact, it actually makes my breath hitch.

Gosh. What is wrong with you Lizzy?

"I'm fine." I lie, plastering a fake smile on my face. What am I supposed to say? I really kinda hate you but I kinda want to feel your muscles? Oh, I'm fine besides the fact that nothing is?

He grins, giving me a view of straight white teeth, dazzling against his olive toned skin. "Good, wouldn't want you dying. You just got here." The sarcasm in his voice makes me grit my teeth. Now I remember why I don't like him.

"Oh yeah, then you wouldn't have anyone to laugh at." I reply with heavy sarcasm.

Noah's eyes twinkle as he responds. "Ah, she has some spice to her." The annoying grin stretching wider. The reply makes my hands clench and I barely have the control to keep them by my sides and not let them unleash their fury against his jaw. Lizzy, keep it together.

I huff. "And look who's still as annoying." I lift my eyebrow, daring him to make another irritating remark. And he does it anyway.

"Hey, you said it not me." Turning my retort back at me, his hands go up in the air in a gesture of innocence. God, why is he so aggravating? No one has ever made me want to slap their face as badly as he is. Uggghhh.

In an effort to end the conversation, I start forward- only to feel the ground rush up at my face.

But before I completely fall to the ground, strong hands grab me on the arms, stopping me from landing only by a few inches. The same hands lift me up, holding me in place, as I try to stand.

The pain that I had been feeling in my ankle is the thing that stopped me. Looking down, I see that it looks unusually red and swollen. I probably twisted it on a branch but never felt it, the adrenaline making me immune to the strained ligaments. Wincing, I try to put weight on it but am stopped by Noah.

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