Chapter 1: I'm Happy My Friend's a Ninja

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Chapter 1: I’m Happy My Friend’s a Ninja

I was walking down the street when suddenly a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a nearby alleyway. I screeched when I turned to see a large, very intimidating man in front of me. He had a twisted and cynical smile on his face as he dragged me deeper into the alleyway. I screamed for help but the man quickly covered my mouth and glared at me to stop. I worriedly looked around and struggled to get free of his grip but it was no use. He was far too strong for me. With my small stature and lack of self-defense skills, I would never escape.

The man uncovered my mouth and ruthlessly flung me to the ground. I winced at the pain and looked up at the man with a terrified expression. He pulled out a knife and leaned down to me. He was laughing a murderous laugh as he slashed the knife across my stomach. I cried out in pained but he just covered my mouth again.

Tears poured down my face as I thought of my now certain death. What did I ever do to deserve this? I’m only fourteen! I haven’t got to live my life to the fullest yet! I hoped that someone would walk in and save me but nothing happened. I just felt the repeated pain of the man cutting my stomach as I cried from the excruciating pain.

What made it worse was my vision was slowly fading away. Soon enough, I’d lose enough blood and die and that would be the end of me. I tried to think of happy thoughts before I died. Like, if Hetalia was real. That would be a dream come true. If I could be there now instead of dying right here and now. As I thought of this my eyes slowly started to droop and I began to lose consciousness.

I casually walked down the street, head to my friend, Nicole’s, house. I had my ear buds on, and was listening to Epic Rap Battles of History, Rasputin vs. Stalin, until I heard and ear piercing scream. It sounded a bit like Nicole, but I highly doubted it was her. I still went to where the scream came from to see what was going on.

I looked into the nearby alleyway and saw a shocking scene. It was Nicole I had heard, and now I was seeing a man cutting her stomach open. Anger rose in me and I quickly ran over to the man and pulled him off Nicole. He glared daggers at me and stood a few feet taller than me. I glared right back at him. He held his knife up to intimidate me but I could have cared less. I acted quickly and punched him in the gut. I hastily grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back and tripped him. Then, I twisted his wrist making him let go of his knife. I grabbed it and held it up to his throat.

“Listen, you better not mess with my friend again unless you have a death wish. I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I slit your goddamn throat!” I yelled and let the man go. He quickly ran off and I smirked as he did.

After that, I turned my attention to Nicole. Her eyes were closed and she was bleeding furiously. I ran over to her and put pressure on her wound, hoping she’d be alright. Just as I was about to call for help everything around me changed. There was a sudden flash of light and then I was somewhere I’ve never seen before. It was a dark, very low-lit room. I could barely make out the bookshelves to the sides. I looked around when I saw a man standing only a few feet away. I hissed at him and clutched Nicole closer to me. The man walked closer and I glared at him.

“Stop! Who are you and what’s going on?! Where am I?!” I growled at him. He stopped and took off his hood he was wearing. I took the time to examine him. He has shaggy blond hair and piercing green eyes. He also had fairly large eyebrows. His expression showed one of concern. For some reason he looked very familiar, I just could figure out why.

“Please, don’t be alarmed. I’m not going to hurt you. Just let me explain,” he said with a very distinct British accent. Then it hit me, I knew who he was.

“England?!” I said in shock. He looked at me with an equally shocked expression. He had a lot of explaining to do and so did I.


So, here's chapter one of my new story! It was just a little idea that came into my mind so I typed it up. I have a lot planned for the future, so keep an eye out! I really hope you like it, I know it escalated quickly at the beginning but it'll get better. (:I expect a lot of escalation quickly. I tend to do that....) Anyways, I hope you liked it!

Also, my friend, BlueEagle459, is helping me write this and come up with ideas. she's basically like a co-author. She's really cool so go and check her out~! >w<

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