Chapter 4: The Fluffiness Has Begun!

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Chapter 4: The Fluffiness Has Begun!

I yipped and pulled the blanket over my eyes. Why were we watching this?! Why?! Who likes this stuff?! If you didn’t know, America had somehow talked us all into watching Paranormal Activity. I absolutely hated horror movies, especially with ghost, so I wasn’t liking this movie choice. I don’t know why America liked it. He was crying and clutching his pillow and jumped at every scare in the movie. I never understood horror fans.

On the other hand, England and Clara seemed to be fairing well. England just looked bored the whole time and maybe jumped once. Clara was shouting and ranting about different things wrong with the movie.

“Use the buddy system lady! And, you’re dead. I knew it!” Clara yelled at the screen. I continued to stay hidden under my blanket. I already knew I was getting no sleep tonight.

When the movie was over, America insisted on staying the night, so he got one guest bedroom and Clara go the other. I was forced to stay on the couch since I was already out here and it would be better if I didn’t move. I sighed and reluctantly agreed. And just to my luck, the weather decided to be a nice, loud thunder storm tonight. Great.

It was an hour or so after everyone had fallen asleep and I was still awake. My eyes darted to every dark corner I could find. I stared into the darkness jumping at every wave of thunder. I felt tears roll down my face. I quickly wiped them away. I hated being so scared of the dark and ghosts and things but I just couldn’t help it! I’d finally had enough and decided to go find someone to comfort me.

I walked towards the hallway and stopped at the opening. To the left was Clara’s room, to the right was America’s, and straight ahead was England’s. I debated in my head whose room to go in. If I went in Clara’s she, one, probably wouldn’t wake up, and two, if she did, she’d get mad at me for waking her and tell me to go back to sleep. Going in her room was out of the question. Next was America’s.  America was probably fast asleep and I don’t even think an air horn would wake him. I decided not to go there.

England’s room was the only option left. I hesitantly walked towards his room and opened the door, quietly shutting it behind me. I walked over to him and shook him slightly when I heard the door open. I stiffened and looked to the door. It was barely open but you could tell it was. I felt my heart race speed up and my breathing quicken. I shook England harder. He groaned and rolled over. The door opened even more and you could see and arm opening it. I took in a sharp breath and began to panic.

“England! England!” I shouted and shook England more. He sat up quickly and looked around until he spotted me.

“What?! What’s wrong?!” He asked. I pointed at the door which was now open most of the way and you could see someone standing there. I could feel tears rush down my face in fear and my breathing got noticeably faster. I felt like screaming but couldn’t. I couldn’t say anything; the lump in my throat wouldn’t let me.

“G-guys?” I heard what sounded like America’s voice say. The person closed England’s door and it got a bit darker.

“America? What are you doing in here?” England questioned. I continued to stand there frozen in fear.

“…I couldn’t sleep….” America mumbled.

“And what about you, Nicole? I guess the same reason,” England said looking at me. I was still frozen in fear and couldn’t speak. Tears still fell from my eyes.

“Nicole?” England touched my arm and I jumped a little snapping out of my frozen state. “Are you alright?”

“No!”  I admitted, tears flowing from my eyes again.

“Shush, it’s alright. Both you and America can stay in here for the night,” England sighed.

America and I hastily climbed in his bed. I latched onto England for comfort. I felt him sigh and wrap his arms around me and I snuggled into him. Then I felt another pair of arms wrap around me. I looked over my shoulder and America was cuddling me. I smiled softly and curled up in between them nicely. As soon as I got nice and comfy I drifted to sleep feeling safe.


I'm sorry this chapter is so short I just felt it should end where it did. The next xhapter will be longer hopefully. And now, the fluffiness that I love to write has crept into this story too! I can't help writing the cute things I write. My friend Clara, yes the Clara in here is real, she doesn't like fluffy, cutesy, romancey things so I try to not add it in stories she's involved in but it just happens.. =3= The cuteness never goes away! It finds a way to be in all stories! XD

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Vote, comment, and all that stuffs. Byes~! >w<

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