Chapter 5: I hope you brought some, IBUPROFEN!

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Chapter 5: I hope you brought some, IBUPROFEN!

I woke up that morning to warmth and I snuggled what I believed to be a pillow. Whatever it was it was soft and muscular? Wait a second…that’s not right! I quickly opened my eyes and looked up slightly to see England sleeping. I looked behind me to see America sleeping behind me. He was snuggling me a lot.

I suddenly heard England yawn and I looked to see him open his eyes. I smiled up at him and he smiled back lightly.

“Good Moring,” He greeted.

“Morning~!” I said happily.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked.

“Fine, actually,” I replied.

“Oh, that’s good,” England said with a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, I didn’t think I would but I felt safe in here with you two,” I admitted. “I’m sorry for waking you, though.”

“It’s alright. I don’t mind,” England smiled. “I’m guessing the movie scared you?”

“Y-yes….I don’t like horror movies,” I said nervously.

“I’m not fond of them either. I don’t understand why America would love them so much when they frighten him. It’s a mystery to me,” England ranted.

“Me too.”

England looked like he was about to say something when America yawned loudly. He opened his eyes and smiled.

“Mornin’ guys!” America greeted merrily.

“Morning!” I said just as brightly.

“Good Morning America,” England said and I giggled. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing,” I replied still giggling a little.

“Anyways, I hope you slept well America,” England said.

“Like a baby! And, I had a comfy pillow to snuggle~,” America said cuddling me.

“America, that’s me,” I said flatly.

“Oh, sorry dudette! You’re super comfy, did ya know that?!” America said.

“No, I didn’t,” I said.

“Well ya are!”


“Anyways!” England interrupted. “Let’s get up. I’ll go make breakfast.”

“Dude, I’ll make breakfast. No one’s going to eat your bad cooking,” America teased.

“It’s not bad!” England snapped and stormed off.

“Well, I better stop him before he burns the place down,” America laughed leaving.

“I’ll just go wake up Clara,” I said to no one.

I walked into Clara's room and saw she had covered herself in blankets.  I knew this would be a daunting task to pursue but I was determined, sort of. She never woke up when I tried to wake her. She sleeps on her own schedule. Although, I was still going to try!

I stood by the side of her bed and poked her stomach. I got a low growl in response. I poked again evoking another growl.

“Clara~. Wake up, Clara~,” I cooed. Clara rolled over and grunted.

“Clara!” I poked her stomach and she grumbled.

“Claraaaaaaaaa!” I pouted and poked her repeatedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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