Chapter 2: A Long Day Ahead

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Chapter 2: A Long Day Ahead

I stared at England for a second in shock, and he did the same. He opened his mouth to say something when I stopped him, realizing something.

“Y-you shanked my friend!” I yelled at him and gave him a deathly glare.

“What?! No, I didn’t!” England said quickly and a bit nervously.

“Ain’t nobody shanks my friend.”

“I didn’t shank your friend!”

“I still have that guy’s knife….” I said darkly, holding the knife up. England looked even more horrified.

“I didn’t do anything! I swear!” England said in an almost pleading voice.

“You best explain yourself and give me some evidence,” I threatened, tucking the knife away in my jacket.

“Ok, ok, well, I was trying to summon a demon of some sort to get revenge on America, but I guess I got the spell wrong,” England explained.

“I still blame you fro shanking my friend,” I grumbled.

“I didn’t!” England said in his defense.

“Whatever,” I replied.

“You still have yet to explain how you know my name!” England brought up. I just rolled my eyes.

“That’s not important right now! My friend is dying here! I could use some help!” I yelled at England.

He looked at Nicole, who was still bleeding a lot, in alarm. He hastily ran out of the room and in a few minutes he was back with a first-aid kit. I cleaned Nicole’s wound and wrapped it in a bandage. England also brought me an old shirt of his for Nicole to wear while her other clothes were washing.

I set Nicole on the couch and sat in a chair nearby. England sat in a chair across from me and stared at me, so I stared back at him with a death glare. I was still going to blame him for Nicole getting shanked! His stupid magic caused it! I know it! Finally, I got tired of staring so I confronted him.

“Why do you keep staring at me?!” I almost yelled. I was still in a very angry state.

“How the bloody hell did you know my name earlier?!” He asked.

“Well, as you know, I’m not from here. Where I’m from, you and the other countries are a part of an anime. That’s how I know your name,” I explained.

“Interesting….Well, I suggest you don’t mention this to the other countries. They might not take it as well,” England suggested hesitantly.

“Whatever. I can’t promise you anything,” I said, rolling my eyes. England opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by an obnoxious knock at the door.

“Yo! Britain dude! It’s me, America!” America shouted through the door. I knew immediately it was him. No one else was that obnoxious and loud, well, Nicole was a close second.

“Ah, bloody hell,” Britain murmured. He got up and angrily walked towards the door. He was about to open in when it flung open and nearly hit him in the face.

“Be careful!” England shouted at America. His expression was a very annoyed one.

“Haha! Sorry bro! I didn’t know you were there,” America said nonchalantly as he walked in. England just glared at him as he walked in.

“Hey, Britain, who’s the chick?” America asked pointing at me curiously.

“My name’s Clara, thank you!” I snapped a little. “And, I already know who you are so you don’t have to introduce yourself.”

America just started at me strangely. After a minute or so I got really uncomfortable and I was about to say something when he did.

“Dude, how do you know me?!” He asked in a bit of shock.

“Well, England, would you like to explain?” I asked looking over at England. He sighed and sat in his chair.

“Well, you see, I was doing a spell to summon…something, and I guess I said it wrong and brought Clara and her friend here,” England explained.

“Yeah, and the way I know you is, in my world, you guys are a part of an anime called Hetalia,” I said. America nodded like he understood.

“Cool. So, what’s your friend’s name?” America asked.

“Yes, what is it? I don’t think you’ve told me yet,” England said.

“She can tell you when she wakes up,” I replied not really caring. America made and ‘Aww’ sound and England just gave me a somewhat pissed expression. I rolled my eyes.

“Anyways, why are you here?!” England suddenly snapped at America.

“Oh yeah! I came to remind you about the G8 meeting tomorrow,” America said with a big grin.

“Well, now you can leave,” England irately said.

“Awww, but I don’t wanna! I just got here! I didn’t even get to know the other chick!” America whined.

“And you never will. Out,” England said pushing America towards the door.

“Hey! Stop that!” America protested. To stop England, he dug his feet into the carpet making it seemingly harder to push him out.

“America, stop that! Get out!” England shouted. He pushed America more but it didn’t work all that well.

“Never!” America yelled as he ran from England. England followed him.



They’re little arguing when on for quite a while. It started to get very aggravating after while, to the point I just couldn’t take it anymore. I opened my mouth to yell at them when I noticed Nicole had gotten up. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes and looked immediately at me. She had a pained face but she tried to smile. It didn’t really work.

“Hi, Clara,” She said softly. “Owie, what happened?”

“Eh, well, you got shanked, I saved your ass, some weird light show happened and now we are in England’s house,” I explained shortly.

“Wait, England’s house?!” Nicole shouted excitedly. “My wish came true!”

I looked at her strangely and noticed, so did America and England. She just stared at them with a smile on her face, or she tried too. I could tell this would be a long day.


Here's chapter 2! It's all in Clara's POV. Next chapter will be in Nicole's. I guess you could say I left it on a cliffhanger, but I wouldn't really call it that. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter! i hope to post the next chapter soon.

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