Chapter 2: Great Expectations

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 I let out a long sigh. And I wrapped the scarf around my nose and mouth. “Ahh…Don’t you just love fall,” Jordan said peachy creamy. I then pushed down my scarf off my mouth and let out another sigh. “Well, the only reason you like it is because your b-day is in late November.” “Ahh don’t be mad chica. You just jealous that you were born in the icy cold winter unlike me I was born in the fall with pretty leaves changing colors and oh yeah, didn’t I say, also the season of our 2 trips and dances.” I looked at Jordan and rolled my eyes. “For your information, I am an early March, which means that I am half winter and spring. And WHAT SON?” We both stopped and she gave me a dirty look. “Yeah, and Prince wears flat shoes now—didn’t you hear?” We continued walking. “Whatever forget you!” “And my lil’ Honey booboo’s b-day is 2 days before mine…” Right before I even had the chance to say something, Ty-rid scared me from behind. “What the?” “Ha-ha! Gotcha! Made you flinch!” “Whatever Ty-rid, hey, where’s your buddy Sober,” I asked looking into Ty-rid eyes that made me feel more warm inside. “Sick---again. He says he has a bad case of the sleezers or something like that?” “Really, sleezers—that boy is retarded. I’m surprised he’s in a regular class instead of a re-re class,” Jordan said flipping her hair into the wind and blowing a bubble. “Lord only knows that he’s only out this day because of the stupid friggin’ test we have today,” I said looking on at my new coco-channel shoes that mom had spent all her money on.

A couple of steps later, we approached a grown black cat. “Hey, a black cat is coming towards you Jordan,” said Ty-rid pointing at it. “Oh no, where is it???” Jordan stopped then panicked. She believes in superstition too much. I then started to run towards the cat, laughing. I put on my gloves then picked it up. Surprisingly, it didn’t squirm a bit. I got closer to Jordan and let the black cat scamper past her. “Oh great! Thank you Flower thank you. You are such a good friend,” Jordan shouted. “You’re welcome!” Ty-rid and I started laughing so hard that I fell on my back—which didn’t hurt. “Are you okay,” asked Ty-rid while trying to help me up.

“Yeah, just a little sting, but overall, no biggie.” “Now I’m going to have 4 years of bad luck—thanks to you and that Black/Latino baboon!” Ty-rid then buds in: “Hey hey hey hey hey! I was no apart of this catastrophe--God!” Jordan put one hand on her hip and flipped her hair to blow in the back with the wind. “Yeah ya did! You were the one who said, ‘Oh look a black cat!’” I chuckled a bit and got in between of the feud.

“Guys, guys, it’s not a big deal! You guys are acting like as if that Kanye West was killed and someone jinxed it to happen.” And as we approached the school, all three of us ran into the doors with a sigh of relief that we were not left behind outside like the other kids who missed the 2nd bell.



            The exams were passed around and it seemed pretty easy. It was Science anyway. I thought I would ace it. But, once I flipped through the first couple of pages, I noticed that there were three parts. I banged my head on my desk and rubbed my head after. “Oww…” “Pissssst. How do you do volume again,” whispered Jordan behind me. Mr. Welch looked up from his Sherlock Holmes, and gave Jordan the evil eye then went back to his book.

“I just can’t tell you---we learned it in 6th grade remember,” I whispered back. “I know but I didn’t quite understand it and…” “Miss Baill do I have to send back there in the classroom with the spider webs and all that other crap,” Mr. Welch called out to her. “No Mr. W. I was just talking to myself that’s all.” “Well, then talk to yourself in your mind instead or you will fail. I don’t want to hear a peep from you.” “Don’t even matter ‘cause I know I’m going to fail…,” whispered Jordan. “What did I just say?” “Uggg…”

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