Chapter 12: {Calum Knows?}

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Chapter 12
{Calum knows?}

When Michael talked to Ashton about the whole 'no more age play cause Calum's not here' with July.
They decided they should call Calum to see if he'll come back.
To see if he'll make July better.
She's just been moping around since she's been out of her headspace.
She helps with Luke though the times he does slip out of his headspace.
Which has been more frequent.
Luke will slip out of his headspace just because of July not being in it.
Ashton picked up the phone really hoping he'll agree, and called Calum.
It rang, No answer. So he left a message,
"Hey Cal. It's Ashton. I know I don't have much time on the message but July quit Age play because she figured out you left and Luke keeps slipping out of his headspace. Please come back."
The phone beeped signaling that the message was over and he hung up the phone.

I walked into my room at my moms and heard my phone ringing.
I saw it was Ashton, I went to answer but it went away.
I missed it.
I went to call him back, but it showed I had a new voicemail.
I played it.
"Hey Cal. It's Ashton. I know I don't have much time on the message but July quit Age play because she figured out you left and Luke keeps slipping out of his headspace. Please come back."
What? July quit?
Oh no....
I wanted to show up out of nowhere but I decided against it.
Ashton was running around the house trying to find Luke's dummy but he couldn't find it.
July was gone to.
Michael was trying to find her.
She wouldn't answer her phone or it said the line was busy.
Once July opened the door she dropped the bag by her foot and opened it.
"Ashton!" July yelled
He stopped pulling up the couch cushions and saw what was in July's hand.
A pack of brand new dummies.
"Oh my God thank you July!"
"July?" Michael yelled
He ran downstairs, seeing July he tackled her in a hug.
"Where did she go?"
"She went to the store." July said
Michael laughed, "Oh."
Ashton went and washed off the dummies and gave one to Luke.
Luke immediately took in the dummy and started to fall asleep.
Once he was, Michael took him upstairs.
When he came back down, The door bell went off.
July answered it, almost screaming at who she saw.
"July who's there?" Ashton asked as he rounded the corner
"C-Calum." She said tearing up
"July? Are you okay?" Calum asked
He was nervous...Very nervous.
She didn't answer, She just jumped on Calum and started to cry.
"You came back." She said
He nodded and smiled.
"I did baby girl. I did." He said
Michael and Ashton were watching this unfold.
"I missed you so bad." July said
"I know..I'm sorry I left. I didn't mean to hurt you." Calum said
July just kept crying.
"Calum." Ashton said
"Yeah?" He mouthed
"Why?" Ashton mouthed back
"Later." Calum mouthed motioning to July.
Ashton nodded and went upstairs.
Once Calum let go of July they sat on the couch.
Michael noticed July getting sleepy and he was hoping she was slowly
slipping back into her headspace.
"Cal," Michael said
Calum looked over to see July fast asleep next to him.
Michael and Calum decided to talk and as they were they noticed July fidgeting in her sleep.
"Why does she keep twitching?" Michael asked
"I don't know. You think maybe a bad dream?" Calum asked
"Probably. I'll be back." Michael said as he went to get a dummy.
Once she slipped it into July's mouth she stopped fidgeting.
"She slipped?" Calum asked
Michael nodded.
"Before you left, She'd always fidget in her sleep if she didn't have her dummy."
"Smart move." Calum said
Michael laughed.
Ashton came downstairs with a sleepy Luke.
"Lukey?" Calum asked being careful
"Dada?" He asked his head shot up
"Right here baby." Calum said
Luke turned and saw Calum on the couch and he jumped from Ashton's arms on to Calum.
"What is it with you people and jumping?" Calum laughed
"Dada! I issed you!" Luke said
"I know, I'm sorry I left baby." Calum said
"Pwomise you neber weave adan." Luke said holding out his pinky
"I promise." Calum said locking his pinky with Luke's.
Luke smiled.
Soon, Luke went back to sleep and They all decided to talk...
Mainly about July.
Not knowing....She was standing at the top of the stairs.
Okay guys.
As for my Ageplay book. I'm gonna try to update that too.
But yeah.
What do you think about Calum's magical appearance?

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