Chapter 6: {First Words?}

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*A/N Okay, So I've decided to flash forward and make it a year since July has been doing this. 😊
So now it's a year later.
Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 6
{First Words?}

(One Year Later)

Calum was starting to get a little worried about July.
Although he loved having her as a little girl, she wasn't as needy or whiny as Luke.
Luke would always wake up in the middle of the night, crying.
However, July wouldn't.
She would wake up without any problems.
Which Calum was worried about.
They figured out that July was 1 to 1 and 1/2 years old.
July was only whiny if Luke kept everybody up, and the night before. He did.
Calum woke up to Luke and July crying.
That was a little weird for him.
He went into July's nursery and saw she was standing up and crying.
Once he got over to July she made grabby hands at him.
He picked her up and changed her and brought her into Luke's nursery.
She pointed at Luke and Calum set her down on the bed.
She started to whine and Calum put a pacy in her mouth.
She started to whine more while Calum changed Luke.
After that he looked at the time.
Seeing it was 5AM he carried Luke and July downstairs for bottles.
They both yawned as Calum set them down on the couch.
Once Calum came back in he saw July and Luke cuddled up together on the couch.
Luke was hugging her and she was cuddled up to his chest.
"Awe." Calum said
He texted Michael and Ashton to come down.
Once Michael got down there he saw their babies asleep.
Calum was taking pictures.
After all three boys were done cooing at the the two they decided to leave them there until they woke up.
July woke up and saw Luke staring at her.
"Awe! Y'all are so cute!" Michael cooed
July blushed and Luke smiled behind his pacy.
"It's breakfast time!" Ashton said
Michael looked over at his kids,
"Are you hungry?" He asked
July looked over at Michael and nodded.
"Bottle or Food?" He asked
Luke smiled,
"Bobble!" He said from behind his pacy.
July nodded.
Although she couldn't talk she could communicate.
"Ash! Heat up the bottles!" Michael yelled
Luke sat up and looked at Michael.
"Mommy, tinky."
"Okay baby." He said
Calum came from the kitchen and picked up Luke,
"Let's get you changed bub."
He changed Luke and brought him back down stairs.
Ashton came back with bottles for his kids as Calum set Luke on the couch.
Ashton handed Luke his bottle,
and handed Michael July's.
"Come here baby." He said as he lifted her into his lap.
She relaxed into him, his arm supporting her shoulders and head while the other held her bottle.
July finished the bottle and was taken to the bathroom for a bath.
Calum washed her and changed her and brought her to the living room.
He set her in the bouncer and sat on the couch with Michael and Ashton while Luke was playing.
July dropped her pacy and she couldn't reach it. While the boys on the couch were zoned in the TV, July was trying to get their attention.
She looked down, and then looked at them.
"Da-da?" July said
"Not now Luke." Michael said
It took the boys a second to realize what just happened.
They all looked over at July.
Calum stood and walked over to her.
"July, Did you speak?" He asked
"Da-da." She said
Calum smiled.
"Her first words!"
"Oh my gosh!"
"No way!"
She looked down at the floor.
Her pacy.
Calum lifted July out of her bouncer and set her on his lap on the couch.
"July, Can you say Daddy?" Ashton asked
She looked like she was concentrating,
"Can you say Mommy?" Michael asked
July looked over at Michael,
"Mumm-e?" She said
The three boys smiled.
Luke came and saw them and sat down.
"Can you say, "Lukey?"
Luke asked
"July said her first words!" Michael said
"After a year...Wow!" Ashton said
"Pacy?" July asked with big puppy eyes.
"Of course." Calum said
He sat July by Ashton and Michael, retrieved her one on the floor and washed it off.
"Here you go baby girl." He said slipping it into her mouth
July smiled.
She cuddled into Calum's chest and stated to drift to sleep.
Calum had to shift over to get the remote.
"No dada." July said
"I'm just getting the remote baby."
"No." She said
He sighed
"Okay." He said
With that, July went to sleep.
Next chapter will have a lot to do with July's first words!
Bye Lovelys!

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