Chapter 7: {No!}

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Chapter 7

It's been two weeks since July learned how to talk...There is one problem.
Her favorite word....
"No!" July yelled at Calum.
"July Casey Clifford!"
She looked at her Dada.
She knew she'd done something wrong.
He picked her up and she burst into tears.
"No. Dada. Sowwy. I sowwy."
She said
"July. We do not tell Dada no. Do you got me?" He asked
She nodded.
He set her down on the changing table.
He proceeded to change her diaper but when he was just about finished she decided to tell him no.
"No Dada." She said
"July." Calum said in a warning tone
"No." She said again, This time moving her hands to block Calum from finishing changing her.
"July, Move your hands now." He said
She looked at him, Knowing she had done something wrong with the tone of his voice.
She slowly moved her hands and rubbed her eyes.
She was tired.
Calum slipped a pacy in her mouth picking her up and going downstairs.
She leaned her head on his shoulder and slowly closed her eyes.
"Calum. She's out." Michael whispered
Calum smiled.
He took her back up to her nursery and laid her in her crib.
He came back downstairs baby less.
He sat on the couch next to Ashton who sat next to Michael.
"July has hit her "no." stage." He sighed
"Already?" Ashton asked
"Luke didn't start that until he was two."
"She's one and a half," Michael said
"Oh right." Ashton said
"Anyone remember how we got Luke out of that?" Calum asked
"Didn't we use time out a lot?" Michael said
"Yes. We wouldn't give him a spanking." Ashton said
"Actually. Yes we did, When he broke that vase and tried to fix it..Then he painted the wall." Calum said
"I don't think July would do that." Michael said
"What? Break a vase or paint the walls?" Ashton asked
"Either one of them." Michael replied
Calum nodded.
"Yeah..Could be possible." He said
He leaned his head back and rubbed his eyes.
Soon, The baby monitor was filled with Luke's cries.
"I'll get him." Calum said with a sigh
"No I will, You go take a nap." Michael said
Calum sighed but nodded.
He followed Michael upstairs and then turned to his room poking his head in July's nursery on the way.
He smiled when he saw her position.
She was laying flat on her stomach and her hands were above her head stretched out.
Calum went to his bedroom and went over to his bed. He crawled in and went to sleep.
Michael made his way to Luke's nursery.
"Hey baby what's wrong?" He asked
"M-Mommy." He cried
Michael looked at the pitiful baby.
He picked him up and went towards the stairs.
"Mommy, W-want si-issy."
"Baby, Sissy is sleeping." Michael said
Luke laid his head on Michael's shoulder.
Once he got down the stairs he gave Luke to Ashton and went to make him a bottle.
He came back to see Ashton trying to calm Luke down.
"Hey, Lukey. I have your bottle." Michael said making his way over to the couch.
Luke stopped crying and started to hiccup.
Michael patted his back and gave Luke his bottle.
Luke went to sleep in Michael's lap.
Calum woke up to crying.
He got up and checked the nurseries but no kids.
He went to the play room and found Luke crying and July sitting in the corner with Luke's penguin.
"Kids." Calum said
They looked over at him July had guilt written all over her face.
"Dada! Sissy mean!" Luke said
"What?" Calum said
"Juwy no mean!" July yelled at Luke.
"July, Give him back his penguin."
"No!" July yelled
"July." Calum warned
"Mine!" She yelled
Calum walked over to July and she burst into tears.
"No Dada! I sowwy! I sowwy!"
Calum ignored her cries and set her in the time out chair.
She dropped the penguin and Calum gave it to Luke.
"15 minutes July." Calum said
Luke looked at his little sister.
She was crying and yelling.
He didn't know what to do...
He sat on the couch and waiting for July.
Thirty minutest later.......
July was crying so hard and so much she threw up.
Which made her cry harder.
Luke saw this and went over to her.
"Sissy?" He asked her
She looked at him.
"Sissy are you otay?" He asked
She looked at her brother,
"No no no no." She said
"Tome ere." Luke said helping his sister off of the time out chair
"No! Tubble! I tubble!!" July said
"Sissy, I tryna help." Luke said
She looked at him and followed him to the stairs.
He took off her nasty throw up clothes and socks and got her a new outfit.
He grabbed her favorite pacy and slipped it into her mouth.
He took her backdown stairs and
cuddled with her on the couch.
"Sissy?" Luke asked
"Yeah?" July asked
"Have pengy." Luke said and gave her his stuffed penguin.
"Willy?" July asked half asleep
"Yes." Luke said
July smiled and drifted to sleep.
Calum stood up from his spot on the couch and went to check on his babies.
He saw Luke and July in the couch.
"Luke? What are you doing?" He asked
"Me help sissy!" He said
"Why?" He asked
"She sick." Luke pointed at the chair
Calum felt guilty.
"Lukey help sissy cus daddies no help." Luke said
He forgotten July.
"Luke, Why don't you go get you some more covers and we'll cuddle together?" Calum said but more like asked.
"Otay, No hurt sissy!" Luke said slipping off the couch
Calum nodded, "I won't."
Calum felt so bad, He had forgotten about July.
What's worse was that Luke figured that out.
Calum picked up July and she cuddled into his shirt.
Calum felt relieved but he still felt guilty.
He went and made a bottle for her and sat down on the couch with her.
Luke came down with covers and Michael and Ashton.
"Dada no hurt sissy?" Luke asked
Calum nodded he wanted to cry.
"No baby, I didn't hurt her."
Michael and Ashton looked at Calum and he had a look that he'd explain later.
They nodded and curled up with each other and fell asleep.
I feel so bad for making you lovely people wait on me..
I broke my finger last Wednesday and I have this brave thing on it so it's hard to type but I'm on my way to school so I thought I'd give you this!
Bye Lovelys!

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