Chapter 20: {Blamed?}

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Chapter 20


July woke up in the car.
Wait, Wasn't she at the ATL boys house?
"Morning Princess." Calum coos
She looks around and sees the dark sky, It is defiantly not morning.
"Dada.." July mumbled.
"What baby girl?" He asked.
"Hungwy." She pouted.
"Awe babe, Comere."
Calum unbuckled her from the car seat and started to feed her.
Once she was out of it again, Calum laid her back in her car seat.
"Cal?" Ashton asked.
Calum nodded for him to continue.
"How are we gonna tell July that we didn't get Luke?" Ashton asked.
Calum didn't think of that.
"What would it matter?" Michael asked.
"Her and Luke are super close. Especially in their headspaces." Calum said.
Michael nodded.
"Well, Maybe a day without Luke won't hurt her."
Oh, how they were wrong.
Once July figured out that Luke wasn't there, she started to be trouble.
First, It was screaming and crying.
Couldn't find her blanket or her dummy anywhere.
She was going crazy.
July eventually calmed down long enough for a nap.
The boys all plopped down on the couch.
"Kids are exhausting!" Michael said.
"You're telling me." Ashton shook his head.
"Guys, ATL is bringing Luke back."
They sat in a comfortable silence before a loud knocking was heard at the door and soon the house was filled with July's cries.
"Dammit." Ashton mumbled.
"Did we do something?" Rian asked.
Calum shook his head, "No. We just got her down about an hour ago."
He nodded.
Alex came in with a crying and sleepy Luke.
"Baby boy? Why the tears?" Calum asked.
Luke perked up at the voice.
"Hey baby. Did you have fun with Niall?"
He nodded.
"Was he good?" Michael asked.
They nodded, "He was perfect."
"Okay, Let's get this monster ready for his nap!" Ashton said as he took Luke upstairs.
"Thanks again for watching them guys. We really appreciate it." Calum said.
"Aye, It's no problem mate. They're well behaved unlike Niall. That boy is a handful."
Michael chuckled.
"He is indeed."
"We should get going. Bye guys." Alex said.
Once they left, July was brought downstairs to eat and Luke was put upstairs to sleep.
Once July and Luke were fed and had their naps, They could play.
See what the boys didn't know, Neither did July, was that Luke was taught some things from Niall.
While Luke and July were playing, Luke grabbed the markers and some paper.
"Hey Juwy." Luke said.
"Yes Wukey?" July said.
"Wanna dra?" Luke asked.
July nodded and put her toys away.
They sat together drawing and Luke grabbed a marker and wrote all over his hand and the wall.
"Juwy, use dis marker." Luke said.
July took the marker and Luke ran off to tell one of the boys what July did.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Luke said with tears.
"What is it baby?" Calum asked.
"Juwy! She wuined my dra-ing and she wote on my arwm and da wall." Luke said crying.
"She did? Hm, Well let's go see." Calum said taking Luke into the play room.
Calum walked in and saw the marker on the wall, Luke's picture, and July had the marker.
"July! Come here right now." Calum said.
"Luke, Go to Mommy and get the marker off your hand."
"Otay Dada." Luke sniffed.
"July, Why did you draw on the wall? That's a no-no. Your gonna get a spanking."
July was crying before Calum even pulled her over his lap.
"Dada! I no do it! Wukey did!" July cried.
"You're getting 10 smacks because you lied and said Luke did it." Calum said.
After she was spanked, She was placed in time-out and Luke was told not to talk to her.
Not that he wanted to anyway.
He was getting way more attention.
Niall was pretty mean to him, told him a bunch of lies.
Luke stopped being nice to July..
July didn't understand what she did wrong. She was only drawing with Luke then she gets a spanking because Luke drew on the wall and on him self.
She had to've been sitting in the time out chair for an hour.
When she heard the front door open she saw Ashton come in.
"Daddy!" July said crying.
"Baby? What's wrong? Why are you in time out?" Ashton asked her
"Wukey drewed on da wall and bwamed me. Dada pank me and time out." July cried
"Awe baby, Come here." Ashton picked her up and brought her in her nursery.
He changed and put some cream on her bottom, by the time he was done, July was asleep.
He laid her in the crib and called for the boys.
"Michael! Calum!"
They had just got Luke to sleep.
They stepped outside in the back to discuss what happened today.
"So why was July in time out?"
"She lied to me and said that Luke drew on the wall and on himself. But she had the marker in her hand." Calum said.
"Yeah. Luke came to me and said that July wrote on him and he couldn't get it off." Michael said.
"July told me she was spanked and put in time-out for something she didn't do." Ashton said.
The continued to talk until they figured out it was Luke.
Once they did, They felt bad.
Once they came in they heard little whimpers coming from the baby monitor.
Calum went upstairs to July's nursery.
"Baby?" He questioned.
She looked up at him, "Dada."
He picked her up and cradled her.
"Bad dweam." July whimpered
"It's okay baby. Do you want Mommy?" He asked
July nodded and Calum took her downstairs for Michael to feed her.
"It's almost midnight. Let's wait for tomorrow to punish Luke?" Calum asked.
Ashton nodded and they went downstairs to see July asleep in Michael's lap.
The boys cooed and they all slept on the couch, except Luke.

I'm so sorry this took for God loving ever!
Part of this was written back in June and it's July.
I'm working on updates.
My main focus right now is writing for my books and my newest books to be out soon.
I know it sucks...
GUYS, This book was TRANSLATED!
If you read Spanish better than English go check out the translated version!!! By BabyPrincessAli !!
I'm so proud of it!


Bye Lovelys!

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