Chapter 4-"Beauty and the Beast"

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I am back, back again! (Yes, i still listen to Eminem :-p like his old songs better) I am off subject! so... Ya, i really wanted to post coz now that tests are over I have a 10 day long break and nothing to do in that time and here I am! lol I decided that school is gonna keep me busy for quite some time (more like the entire year) and I should take this story as far as possible.





"Beauty and the beast"


Its a simple word isn't it? no complicated spelling, no mind numbing definition.Just a sweet endearing lullaby to the ears. You say you have it, you say that you don't have it and it might be true, but all that comes second to the real thing, the real deal.

I had always thought it was a stupid thing to judge one by what they look and not on how they see the world, how they truly are. Often looking in the mirror I found myself asking the same question over and over. Till I'd get sick and look away, till I wound up disgusted.

What is so entrancing that you all see?

But I never got my answer, I never would. Only if the mirror starts talking. That'd be cool actually, a talking mirror. But then I'll feel weird looking at myself and thinking that the mirror saw me too which is kind of the point, that'll creep me out. Immensely. Like I am freaking out because I have finally realised I need to go to an asylum or something. Can I get more crazy?

I was never beautiful, not in my eyes at least. To me no one is. You know when after a bad day when all seems broken like the end of the world, when we realise that people are just people and nothing special. We judge that person responsible for all the problems, the gruesome pain.We blame everyone, everything but us.

How they pulled apart our life without as much as a second glance. With no remorse. And then suddenly, out of the blue we look at ourselves. Look at the tired judgemental eyes, the sick feeling of loss and failure. That is when we truly get a glimpse of what we are. The rage consuming us, taking over our body and soul. Turning us into something we aren't, at least what we don't aspire to be. We question then, to the monster in the mirror.

Is that me? 

Who have I become?

Am I that ugly inside?

That is when we realise that its us who was wrong, wrong all along the way. That they might not be beautiful but they have beauty and we even having what they crave still become what we fear The beast .

I was sure if anyone else saw what I am seeing right at this moment  they'll put it on the first slot too. It would far exceed their expectations. Cause I can't take my eyes off of the scene in front. Even if I wanted to. (Not that I did. Who'll get a chance like this?) Slowly, I made my way towards it, my hand ahead of me, desperate to touch it.To get the feel of its smooth surface against my flesh.

The wind picked up and I clutched my bag tighter. The leaves rustled, creating a serene effect. I finally reached at its step as my hand made contact with the shinny piece of jewel. I sighed contently and moved my pale hand against it, the contrast with the red making it more unreal, surreal even. It was all like a dream.

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