Chapter Ten

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A/N: Sorry for such the long wait! Things have been crazy lately, especially with my friend's accident! But I'm back.

We arrived within minutes. 

Zeva landed first, diving at a huge platform just above the cloud-line. I flew down next, then Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn.

I looked around after jumping off Shadow, I took a look around. The platform lead to a huge palace.

Behind me, Louis and Zayn were whispering. 

"Whoa. Look at the golden statues..."

"And... Wow, look at the everything!"

The walls were a deep coal color, with gold and purple highlights. The carved frame leading into the main room was door-less. The framework seemed to have taken years to make an inch, with it so deeply defined at every crevice.

Zeva leaned closer to me. "Wait until you see the inside."

She was absolutely right.

The walls seemed as if they were made of pure gold. Braziers in each corner of the room burned an intense green. A few lights hung from the ceiling, dozens of meters high. We all stood in the walkway, shocked. 

Except for Zeva. She walked on without paying any attention to our gawking.

Eventually, everyone caught up in the conference room. It looked as nice as the first room, maybe even better. Decorated thrones sat in the room, forming a semi-circle.

"Zeus? Dad? Anyone?"

A large man instantly walked into the room. He was, literally, huge, almost four meters high. His hair and beard were dark, but they seemed to glitter with electricity. Zeus, I guessed.

"Welcome," his deep voice echoed. He shrank to the normal size of a human and walked closer to our group. He gazed at each of us, resting his eyes on Niall for a bit longer than the rest of us. 

"We come for guidance." Zeva stepped forward. She held out a small slip of paper, and Zeus stared at the writing on it. He seemed to shudder, then looked back at us. 

"Of course. Follow me."

He led us to a room a bit smaller, with a large table lined with comfortable chairs. He sat at the end, and I sat across from him.

"The problem..." He stared at the ceiling which began to glow and shift into a large image, "...Is dangerous." 

The ceiling took shape of a huge creature. It seemed to be a wolf sculpture, but made of earth.

"We noticed."  We all said in unison.

"The picture above you is the enemy. This has never been seen in history before."

"Lupa found a cousin?" I shifted in my seat.

"No, daughter of Athena. Gaea has created a new Lupa... And the old one is gone."

I stiffened, seeing Zeva do the same. The loss of one of the best caregivers was devastating, but we had to grieve quickly. Time was running out. 

"Lupa...?" Niall whispered from beside me.

"Wolf. Famous for taking care of Romulus and Remus: the creators of Rome."


"I assume you've heard the prophecy, so I'll just give you the main details." Zeus adjusted his pin-striped suit. "You're going to go kill it. Once you've done that, the followers should become normal once more."

"Whoa, whoa, what? 'Become normal?' What does that mean?" Zayn questioned halfway across the table.

"Well, you see, they were possessed to be evil. They're actually really nice monsters. Some of them worked for us before this mess happened. Which reminds me... I'll tell you later."

"Okay... We're going out to kill a huge dirt-wolf?" Louis managed.

"Precisely." Zeus sat back. "Good luck."

That's when the world seemed to dissolve around us.

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