Axel has been abused his whole life. Will running into Reno (quite literally) be his only hope? Read on to find out, and leave a comment on the way *hugs and kisses*
Ever since Reno came back from work last week, something hasn't been right. He just hasn't had as much of the spark as he normally would. I've been trying to ask him what happened at work. But every time i did he'd give me that puppy eyed face and i'd back away. I've spent so much of my sanity trying to figure out what might have happened, but i just cannot. Maybe if i ask nicely...
I took a deep breath. "Reno?"
Reno looked up from his breakfast, trying to talk around his mouthful of toast. "Whaddaya want?"
I shook a little bit, and Reno stopped eating. "I've been really worried about you since last week."
Reno's face fell a little bit. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but ya woulda had a panic attack if i did tell ya."
Immediately all the color drained from my face. "Oh no..."
Reno squeezed my hand. "He doesn't know you live with me. I just passed him on the street, thassall."
I couldn't hear a word he said. I was shaking too much...
Reno's face sunk with concern. "Axel?"
I got up from the table and sat on the couch. Hunched over, I almost felt like I would throw up. I started to think back to all the times I had been outside. What if my dad had seen me? What if he saw me and Reno together? The more i thought about it, the more I wanted to crawl in a hole and die somewhere.
Reno sat right beside me and held me tightly, caressing my back. I did not even notice, sobbing right into his shoulder. The mere thought of my father coming here and hurting me again filled me with so much dread that i felt the color draining from my face as my body started to shake. Part of me wanted to be let go. Another part of me did not want Reno to stop rubbing my back. I let out a small cry of frustration, scratching at my scarred wrists. Reno hummed gently, grabbing my wrists and kissing them tenderly.
"Axel, yer gonna be fine."
I looked at Reno like he had three heads. "Its my fucking father! No one ever ends up being fine after dealing with him!"
Reno held me as i started sobbing again. "I know that yer scared, but trust meh when i say that you'll be ok. Ya've got plenty of friends that'll be there for ya. I'm yer lover, so ya know i'll be there for ya. I promise ya that i will do my damnest ta keep ya alive."
I sniffled a bit. "That was probably tha sweetest thing anyone has said to me."
Reno cocked an eyebrow. "Ya know, i think yer accent also gets thicker when yer sad."
I smirked ever so slightly. "And yers gets thicker when yer being a dumbass, just like Xigbar's!"
Reno chuckled. "Now there's the Axel I love the most."
I chuckled a bit and looked up at Reno. His aquamarine eyes were ablaze with determination, and I could not help but stare at his beauty. He is just so sexy without trying, and i cannot help but love him. He just makes me feel so wonderful and safe and...really horny. I turned to look at Reno for a minute. That look of boredom on his face, was so tempting, and i could see the gears turning in his head as he rubbed his leg a little nervously.
Casually, I leaned over and took Reno's face in my hands, kissing those velvet lips as deeply as i could. Reno gasped into my mouth, but got over the shock and wrapped his wiry arms around my shoulders. I snaked my tongue in Reno's mouth, tasting the essence that was purely him and him alone. I settled myself in his lap and just admired his sexy face, those eyes sliding shut in desire.
I buried my head in his shoulder and just breathed him in, falling asleep to his comforting heartbeat...
-end of chapter-
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Reno: I'd just like to thank all y'all for bein' such wonderful readers to my dear friend Becca. Have a nice day!
Rebecca: Thanks for the ending Reno!
Reno: No problem Becca
Rebecca: Who wouldn' wanna make out with that face?