(just picture this with purple hair, multiple piercings, loads of jewelry and makeup and about a foot taller and 20 years older. Boom, Axel's dad is made in your imagination.)
Axel's Dream p.o.v:
Why is it so dark?
What's going on?
Where am I?
Wait, hold on a second...what is that voice?
It sounds so...gentle.
I let my mind drift to concentrate on the voice, feeling my conscious be pulled closer towards it. I saw a bit of light far off, reaching to grasp at it until I was blinded by it. I shook my head to clear my vision, opening my eyes to see...
Feathers? What the hell subconscious?
I grasped one of the feathers from the air, admiring its soft texture before I let it go, watching it flow in the breeze. I looked down and saw a trail made of cobblestones, leading off to a house squared off by a little white fence.
I shrugged and started to follow it. I've got nothing left to lose, what else was i gonna do, wake up? As I kept walking, I noticed the voice i heard before growing louder, and i began to smell the scent of...
Okay subconscious now I'm really confused. What the hell are you trying to show me? Cause I don't get it.
"Axel! Honey where are you its time for lunch!"
Am I trying to cnvince myself that he's not all bad? Cause I'm pretty sure that all the dreams in the world will not convince me of that.
And then i saw a younger version of me run straight into his arms. This time he was wearing a red flannel button up and slightly ripped black skinny jeans, his onyx leather boots shinning in the sunlight. even then he wore the same amount of jewelry. He ran his hands through my younger self's hair, chuckling as he pulled a lollipop from his back pocket.
Strawberry. They were always my favorite.
And then the dream version of my dad looked up into the distance, staring very intently at where I was.
Something was wrong. Or at least to him, something was wrong. He smirked and gripped my younger slef tighter, the scene my subconscious created slowly beginning to crack.
"And even then, I still...blamed...YOU..."
I lurched forward and groaned, clutching at the side of my head as a headache begin to form. I blinked as the world distorted, swirling my vision as I fell to my knees.
My younger self dissolved and seemingly melted into the floor. I looked on as my dad walked forward, wisps of smoke trailing around his feet. He stopped a few yards away from me, looking at me in a way that was too...lustful.
"Axel, Axel, Axel. Did you miss me so much that you made this place for us to catch up?" James gave me a sickeningly sweet smile, drawling out his sentence.
I cringed knowing exactly what he meant. "You know damn well the only thing I want to catch up on with you is driving a knife straight through your crotch."
"My my, still as fiesty as ever. You carry a blade with you in your dreams? What ever do you have to be afraid of? Oh wait..." He paused his sentence to break out laughing.

Flaming Love(Axel x Reno)
FanfictionAxel has been abused his whole life. Will running into Reno (quite literally) be his only hope? Read on to find out, and leave a comment on the way *hugs and kisses*