twenty five

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My hands can't help but shake as the darkness veils itself over the three of us.

I hope neither Liam or Scott can hear my heart pounding. They'll never let me do anything with them if I know I'm this scared just meeting some other pack.

Liam must. His fingers trail along my small wrist until he wraps them around my hand. I'm pretty sure this only makes my heart beat faster.

We take another couple steps forward and find a thin stream of light illuminating the large room. A dusty window is mounted at the highest point on the wall. Plastic sheets hang all around.

I look ahead of me and see several faint silhouettes. I blink to make sure I'm not hallucinating or something. I'm not. They start to move.

Liam squeezes my hand harder. Scott stops in his tracks. He turns around to us and I notice the light is enough to make out the details of his face.

"Scott?" A faint voice calls out. My eyes fall to the outline of a small person just a couple yards ahead.

"Yes, it's me, Scott." At the sound of my brother's voice, the outlines step forward and fade into recognizable people. Scott assures, "We're here to help."

I realize after a quick second that Liam and I kinda came here not even knowing what we're going. It occurs to me that what we will be doing is going to be very, very dangerous. Why would I have thought differently?

"Who are they?" The same small voice asks. The girl steps out. She's young, not that much younger than me. She has shortish dirty blonde hair and bangs.

Scott turns around and looks at Liam and I. I feel Liam's hand leave mine. The whole pack's attention shifts to us.

"This is Liam. He's a werewolf. And this is my sister, Jessica." Scott says, gesturing to us. I meet eyes with Brett, who looks sullen. A feel a pang of guilt.

I hear footsteps and turn to see Satomi emerging. I've never actually seen her, only heard about her. Liam tenses up beside me.

Her brown eyes seem to glimmer in the path of the light as she approaches Scott. Scott clenches his jaw.

"You're here to help," Satomi states, pursing her thin lips together. Her dark hair is pulled back tightly and there's a small bloodied scratch on her face.

Scott nods, stepping aside so I can no longer hide behind him. Satomi's eyes flick to me and I shift on my feet.

"Jessica McCall," She says, smiling at me like she knows something I don't. I've never even met her. She continues, "I've heard much about you."

I can't help but glance back over at Liam who's blue eyes are searching mine. I hear Satomi's voice again. "Oh I see. Jessica and the beta." She raises her eyebrows mockingly.

My face flushes pink and Liam's eyes dart away from mine. We don't make it that obvious, do we?

I look up quickly at Scott, expecting him to look at least the slightest bit angry. But he's smiling like an idiot, and just raises his eyebrows at me. I shake my head and roll my eyes at him.

As soon as the short-lived moment of embarrassment is gone, Satomi pulls Scott aside to probably discuss something way more important than my love life. Well, hopefully.

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