Chapter Six

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I walk into the store with Aderyn and J, prepared to do the most ridiculous thing I've ever done in my life.

We're all starting a flash mob.

I feel like an idiot as I play the song 'Something in the Way You Move' by Ellie Goulding, who I love!!!

We start dancing, and I swear at least 100 people dance along. I start sweating and laugh, shocked that so many people would join in. These are my kind of people!!!

Now we're banned from Giant Eagle! Yay! Let me explain: Jackson got a little carried away and threw chips everywhere, shook up pop and crumbled crackers all over the isles. Then, he cracked an egg over an "employee's" head, before realizing it was the boss.

Whoops . . . No, I don't regret it at all. That's what you get for having slow check out lines!

This Friday night, I'm gonna go to a concert with Jackson. My mom doesn't even know.

I don't even care! Now, I'm doing something crazy everyday. Flash mobs in Giant Eagle was just the beginning. Now, I'd willingly bungee jump off a cliff. I've already gone hang-gliding, and who knows what I'll do next!

* * *

I'm at the concert and I'm expecting Aderyn. She should be here soon. I'm so excited to be here with Jackson!!! He holds my hand, making sure that we stick together. None of our parents know (or care about) what we've been doing. My mom might freak out that I'm at a concert without her. I think she'd be more upset that we didn't bring her, rather than the fact that I'd went to a concert with a fake ID, pretending to be some 19 year old lady named Maki Nasimyu.

As soon as I hear the first song, I'm already in love. With the reality I had created for myself, that is.

"Jackson?" I yell-ask my cute boyfriend next to me.

"Yeah?" He's shouting back at me.

"I love you," I say, resting my head on his shoulder. We sway together.

"I love you, too," he responds, speaking from his heart.

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