Strawberry Wine

14 0 0

Phil's POV

Dan and I have been friends for about a month now. In this time we've become inseparable. I'm always at his house. If I'm not, he's at mine.

If I'm being honest, I have developed feelings for him, but I can ignore them. I don't want to ruin what me and him already have.

It's 1a.m. on a Saturday. Dan and I snuck out through his bedroom window and are laying in the middle of the road looking up at the stars. We're talking and listening to music. Suddenly a song I haven't heard in years came on.

"Oh my god! Me and my mum used to listen to this all the time! I completely forgot it existed!"

The song was Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter. I'm not a fan of country at all and this isn't a song I normally listen to, but it reminds me so much of my childhood that I've grown to like it. I begin quietly singing it.

"Like strawberry wine and seventeen.
The hot July moon saw everything.
My first taste of love, oh bittersweet.
The green on the vine,
like strawberry wine."

"Phil, are you okay?"

I felt Dan's arms wrap around me. I didn't even realize I had begun to cry until now.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just this song reminds me so much of my childhood. Of when everything is okay and I didn't feel so empty."

Instead of questioning me, he just hugged me tighter, knowing I didn't want to talk about it. Neither of us have talked about our past or feelings. Who knows, he could be just as fucked up as me.

None of that matters in this moment though. All that matters to me right now is how beautiful Dan's eyes look in the moonlight, how warm his arms feel wrapped around me like this, how caring and gentle Dan is, how Dan just knows I don't want to talk about this, and maybe, just maybe I'm falling for the sad boy with the brown hair.


a lot of this chapter is actually based on myself, the parts that aren't are what I wish would happen

oh btw the video is Strawberry Wine

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