The bomb

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Everything was going according to plan, there was security everywhere. I saw our guards looking at us like hawks. My dad's speech was next and the guards where making sure that everything was going according to plan.

The Vice President made a speech and everyone was clapping. My dad stood up and made his way to the podium. His guards where right next to him making there way to the podium. BAMM!

We heard gun shoots I saw every guard run to my dad and take him out. Everything seem to go in slow motion; I saw Horan and Styles rush over to me and Bella.

"Come one we need to get you somewhere safe. I saw many ambassadors and their translators run to some where safe.

This was something security was prepare for. We ran through a small hallway and made our way to an underground tunnel. Bella and Styles where upfront of us.

I felt my adrenaline rush and I was some what scared of what might happened; if they took me or my sister. "Yes sir, No sir we're making our way over there. Pupils are safety making their way out sir."

I heard Niall say into his sleeve. After mom passed my father has been so overly protected. He would fire everyone if something happened to me or Bella.

We heard a big noise coming from behind us.

"Don't look back Ms. Garcia." Horan said but I couldn't help but turn to see. I saw five men walking over to us with black mask. "Horan their following us."

I said looking forward to see that Bella and Styles where no where to be seen. "Quick make a turn around here." Horan said guiding me to a turn. We made it out of the tunnel and where out in the city.

I saw cars pass by as they didn't know what was going on. Well they didn't they didn't know that the president it was in danger better yet that his daughter was trying to stay away from this. "Horan we need to get back." I said looking at him and looking behind me.

I could still see the men with mask they where looking around searching for us. I caught one of them staring at me and I could see him nodding to himself.

I tapped Horan "they saw me anything that we can do to get away?" I asked looking up at him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the crowed.

"Horan here I am in trouble one of the pupils is in danger. Some men in mask are following.

" Horan said into his sleeve, he pulled me into a store. He pulled me to the women section and started looking around. "Find something to wear, you need to change your outfit." I nodded and started looking through the racks of clothes.

I eventually found some pair of blue jeans and a flowery flowy shirt. When I turn to see Horan he had a pair of black jeans and a white tank. "Ready to pay?" I nodded when I noticed I was still wearing heals. "Umm what about our shoes?" I said pointing at my heels.

"Go look for something comfortable. " I scurried around the store and found some gym shoes. I noticed he had gotten some white Nikes. We went to pay and changed into the clothes we had just purchased.

Horan looked around and grabbed my hand as we made our way out to the busy streets.

"So what's your first name? I don't really like calling you by your last name; and I really don't like being called by mine."

I said as we crossed the street to make our way back to the White House. "Niall." He said pulling me toward him as he looked at every pedestrians face. I nodded and kept walking in silence.

I was still paranoid I kept looking at my surroundings.

This guy was walking towards me and something about him just didn't feel right.

He was staring at me like he wanted to kill me. I grabbed Niall's hand and tighten my grip on him. Am usually never scared if anything but this guy gave me the creeps.

I felt something brush on my shoulders. I turned around to see a man in a black mask just staring at me. "Niall they know who I am and they're still following is."

I said almost in a whisper I can't believe that this is happening to me. I never would of thought if anything like this happening. "I know just get ready. When I say go we're running ok? " he said as I nod "Am not letting go so don't we are in this together ok?" Horan said looking at me and quicken his steps.

I can say that am grateful that my dad got me body guard. But at the same time; am not because of the body guard I have people after me.

I felt someone pull my arm I turn to see who it was.

But all I could hear is Niall screaming at me to not let go. Am not sure what's going on, I feel my body is heavy and that with every step i take it gets harder.

I felt two strong arms lift me up and carrying me and screaming not to close my eyes. I turn to face the person I see these beautiful blue eyes. Staring at me with worry and concern.

"Your going to be ok." He said before I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes to be in a unfamiliar bed. I started to freak out and tossed the duvet on the floor. I made my way to the door to try and get away.

I opened the door slowly and tip toed around. I didn't take a look at my surroundings. I just had one thing in mind that's to get away. I walked pass the kitchen but I noticed way to familiar boy.

"Horan?" I asked just above a whisper. I didn't want to be heard but I also wanted to be heard at the same time. "Ms Garcia glad your awake." He said walking over to me with a glass of water.

He handed me the water and I took it gladly. "What happened?" I asked not sure of why I was here in the first place. "You got injected and you passed out." He said looking at me in the eyes.

I could just get lost in those beautiful blue eyes. What am i saying? I can't like him, I should hate him for following me everywhere and making this happened to me.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around the little house I was in. It looked oddly familiar but I just can't remember from where. "We had to fly you out to the cabin. They think your in danger so they told me to bring you here." I looked around the house and remembered it was a little cabin out side the city.

"How long are we staying here for?" I asked irritated that I was going to have maximum security now. "Two weeks." I nodded my head. I needed Louis here not Niall I don't trust him being here with me.

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