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I woke up in the middle of the night and heard screaming. Apparently I was the only one in the room that heard it, I tip toed passed Niall's bed not wanting to wake him up. I saw a few guards walking the hallways where the rooms where located.

Was I the only one that heard the screams? I saw another door open across from me, it was Nate. He had brown hair with green eyes, he was a very good looking guy. "Did you hear screams?" He said in a hushed tone. I put my finger to my mouth to silence him from speaking again but nodded my head.

He turned to see that the masked men where guarding the rooms. But the screaming had stopped as soon as the masked men took guard by the rooms. Nate motioned me to move so he can make it to my room with out being seeing. I moved and opened the door wider so he can run across my room without being seeing.

"Where you able to tell who was screaming?" Nate said as soon as he made it to my room. I shook my head no and I turned to see Niall wide awake staring at Nate and me. I didn't think we where being to loud to wake him up. Maybe he was a light sleeper since he was the only one that woke up.

"Mel what's going on?" He asked looking at Nate as he walked over to me. "I heard these screams and I wanted to find out where they were coming from. Nate heard them too but as soon as they stopped the masked men took guard." Niall looked at me and Nate and nodded his head, taking everything I had said.

"What's going on here?" One of the masked man said. It had startled me that I think the whole room could hear my heart beat. "We where just going to grab a snack." Nate said pulling me out the door, the masked man stared between Niall and Nate to me.

"You do know they don't have a kitchen right?" He nodded his head and turned to the big room. None of the guards where in the big room they must all be sleeping or guarding the bedrooms.

"Francesca is missing, I know those screams sounded familiar." Nate said almost in a whisper. I knew me and Francesca didn't have a good type of relationship since she did throw her yogurt at me. "Well do you have any idea where they might have her?" I looked around the big room and the only place we haven't seen was the kitchen. That's where everyone must be at or at least the kidnapper and the masked men.

"No, but we should get back before someone suspects a thing." Nate pulled me by the arm back to the rooms where the guards were still in watch. "We will talk about this tomorrow Mel, now go on and get some sleep." Nate opened his door to his room and stepped in. As soon as I stepped in I saw Niall was sitting on his bunk bed. "Where were you? I was worried that he could've been one of them?" Niall half yelled half whispered as he pointed to the door. "He's not one of them Niall his dad works for my father, and he shouldn't worry at all I can handle myself." I know I was being hard on him after all he was my undercover body guard, he had the right to worry about me especially in this situation.

"Sorry Niall I'm just out of it, I didn't mean to sound harsh on you I'm not used to this. Heck I didn't get train for this at all." I said looking down at my hands, no one told me what I had to do if I ever got kidnapped with my whole class. My father couldn't save me and Bella he was the president he has to step down. Who knows what will happen if he steps down and get don't get out of here safe.

"It's all right Mel I know you're scared especially in a situation like this. No one is prepare for any of this not even me and I've had a lot of training." I could feel my eyes getting teary, and I don't want to cry in front of Niall. What if we never get out of here? What if we die? Would my dad come and save us or let us die to save the country?

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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