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"Where on earth could he be?" Mika wondered. Three days, it had been three days and Yuu hadn't returned home, was he really that mad at him? He really needed to find him and apologize, but this really wasn't his fault, he grew up like this. This was his life, it was what he had to do to survive, yes he did agree that he needed to calm down once in a while but there was just something about the human that made him keep on going, maybe it was how he denied the fact that he was really enjoying himself.

Whatever it was, Mika didn't know and he didn't care about finding out at this moment. Right now all he needed was to find Yuu.

"Maybe that friend of his knows." Mika said.

"Again?" Shinoa said as everyone turned to look at Yuu's empty seat.

"Damn it." Kimizuki cursed. "What the hell is wrong with that bastard, doesn't he know that he shouldn't be missing school this way, he could fail."
"Maybe he's sick." Mitsuba said. "I really think we should go see him today, at his place."

Shinoa frowned. "He's been acting a bit gloom, the past few days before, guys I'm scared, I hope he hasn't done anything to himself." Shinoa said, little tears forming in her eyes, her body trembled. She was worried, what if Yuu had done something to hurt himself.

Akane reached out and held her. "Calm down Shinoa." She comforted her. "Yuu is alright, we'll just go to his place after school today." 

"But what if it's too late by then?" Shinoa asked. "We have to go now, we'll cut school today, I'm sure they'll understand if we tell them that-"

"You're taking it a bit too far." Mitsuba said. "Like Akane said, we'll go after school today, so all we can do now is stay positive and just hope that he's safe at home."

The class doors opened, and everyone gasped, Shinoa and the others turned to see who it was. To their surprise, they saw Mika. The girls had already began squealing and blushing, trying to get Mika's attention which of course was completely pointless.

Mika scanned the classroom, at first, he hoped to see Yuu but no luck. He began searching for his other target, his eyes locked on to him. Brown hair and emerald eyes, staring at him, he was sitted by window, Mika could also see his cheeks turn red. How cute. He walked further into the class and towards him.

Yoichi looked up and never expected to see the one person who has been on his mind for the last few days now. It was Mika. He felt his cheeks go red and hot, his mind went back to the kiss, his first kiss, he never thought it would be with a boy and with a very handsome one at that.

Suddenly Mikaela moved, he watched him approach him. Yoichi felt a bit uncomfortable, Mika was headed his way.

"Yoichi right?" Mika asked when he reached Yoichi.

Yoichi nodded. "Y-yes, It's Yoichi, is um..anything the matter Mika-kun?"

"Mika-kun?" Shinoa repeated.

"How does Yoichi even know him?" Akane asked. Mitsuba turned to look at Kimizuki, she could already see the anger in his eyes, or at least in his hands. She watched his hands squeeze tightly unto a piece of paper, he was trying to hold himself. She looked back at him and he caught her eyes.

"What?" He asked when he realized she had been looking at him.

"Nothing." She said and turned back to Yoichi and the blonde stranger.

Mika leaned, close, very close to Yoichi. Gasps and squeals from every corner, everyone whispering. Yoichi felt his heart race, he could feel Mika's breath on his neck. He was close, so close and it was having a massive effect on him. He could feel the sweat dripping down, his cheeks turning a brighter scarlet color.

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