Coming to Earth

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It had been a week since Mika and Yuu were reunited, Mika slowly began to restrain his strength with help from Yuu of course. Yuu had offered to have sex until he was all better, though Mika was still too weak to top, Yuu was always riding him. It was then on the fifth night, Mika had surprised Yuu by flipping him over and taking over. He was happy that Mika was feeling much better but he was sad because of the pain he was feeling.

"Damn." Yuu said. "Mika, my hips hurt like hell, why do you always have to be so rough?"

"Didn't you miss me doing the fucking Yuu-chan?" Mika asked.

"No." Yuu rolled his eyes at him. "Yes." He admitted with a pout. "Still, I don't think I'll be able to walk."

"You don't have to." Mika said. "I'll just carry you into the car and drive you home."

"You can drive?" Yuu asked. "I didn't know there were cars on Venos."

"There aren't." Mika said. "I picked it up from my stay here, it's actually quite easy, like teaching a child how to write." Yuu frowned, that was really boastful. They couldn't be blamed, they were just humans while him, he was an intelligent life form from another planet. "We should get going, your friends will be worried sick."

Yuu nodded, he sat up from bed wincing at the pain. "First, I have some things to do." He said as he used the bedside table as support and slowly stood. "I have to go and quit my job." He tried standing straight but his legs wobbled and he lost balance and fell to the ground. Mika laughed. "Don't laugh, it's all your fault."

"I take full responsibility." Mika said as he pulled Yuu up, carrying him bridal style.

"Hey put me down." Yuu said.

"Let's go take a bath Yuu-chan." Mika said.

"Not here, the bath here is public and it's girls only." Yuu trashed around in Mika's arms. "Put me down Mika." Mika smirked.

"So tell me Yuu-chan, do you want to know what it's like being female?" Mika asked.

"You wouldn't."

His smirk confirmed it all, in a blink of an eye, Yuu saw himself with real boobs.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeekk!" He shrieked.

"You're leaving?" Zakuro asked.

"I'm sorry big sister." Yuu said. "But I have too, I don't really live here and I'm sure my family's worried sick, I have to go back."

"Oh, Yuiko." Zakuro smiled. "We're going to miss you, especially the guys, they all love you so much."

"I'm sorry to disappoint." Yuu said.

"Don't be." Zakuro smiled. "I'll miss you Yuiko, do visit us sometime again ok?"

"Yes big sister." Yuu smiled and walked out of the cafe. Zakuro walked over and picked up a mike.

"Attention everyone." She said into it, her voice coming in from the speakers. "I have an important announcement to make, maid Yuiko has quit."

"Whaaaaaaaat?" Everyone screamed and in a matter of seconds, the place was in chaos.

"What took you so long?" Mika asked as he watched Yuu enter the car.

"Shut up." Yuu said as he got in and put on his seat belts. Mika started the engines and drove off. "I'm glad, at least I won't be working there again, I don't know what they would have done if they learnt their best girl was actually a man."

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