Carrier 1

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Fyn and Claude laid in bed cuddling with Claude kissing the latter's neck.

"Claude, I'm tired and I want to sleep." Fyn said.

"Of course." Claude said. "You need rest and so does our young one." Claude said as he rubbed Fyn's stomach. It had been a month plus since Claude had knotted him and the was already pregnant, the cycle was very fast when it came to Venus.

"Oh Claude, I'm so excited." Fyn said. "Very soon, we'll have our own baby." He pouted. "I really wanted Yui to be pregnant too, it'd be more fun that way, I mean think of it, two of us lying in bed together while you and Mika do all the work."

"That doesn't sound very fun." Claude said.

"I didn't say it'd be fun for you." Fyn said.

"Let's just go to sleep ok." Claude said as he pulled Fyn closer to his body, they laid in each other's arms drifting off to sleep, until someone knocked on the door. "Who the hell? It's time for bed."

"Claude." Westley's voice called out. "Claude it's me, open up."

"Go away your highness." Claude said.

"Claude it's really important." Westley said. "Please open up."

"No." Claude said. "Anytime you say important, I always get stuck with hard labor."

"Open the damn door or I will break it." Westley threatened, Claude gave in and went to open the door. "Thank you."

"Your highness, why aren't you asleep?" Claude asked.

"To show you how important this is." Westley turned to see Fyn looking at them. "Can we talk in private?"

"Why?" Claude asked.

"Claude please-"

"Whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of Fyn to." Claude said.

Westley leaned in and whispered. "Do you really want me to talk about Alek in front of Fyn?"

"W-what about him?" Claude whispered back. "Did something happen?"

"Just come with me." Westley said.

"Ok." Claude said as he turned to Fyn. "I'll be back soon ok?" Fyn nodded with a smile as Claude and Westley left the room, closing the doors behind him. Fyn turned in bed, for a second here, he felt Claude's heart race, as if there was a problem. He really hoped that everything was alright.

Fyn woke up the next morning, he reached out to get a feel of Claude but felt nothing. He sat up and found himself alone in bed. "What the? How dare he? Moron, you do not leave your pregnant mate in bed." He growled and stood up, his eyes caught onto a piece of paper on the table, he picked it up it was a note from Claude. It briefly said 'Went out early with the King, I'll be back soon, love you'

"Moron." Fyn frowned as he dropped the paper and entered into the bathroom.

"It's been hours." Fyn said. "Where on venos is Claude?"

"He went out with the King and my parents." Lest said. "Maybe something important came up."

"I know that." Fyn said. "But to where? They've been gone all morning. The baby and I are getting worried." Fyn rubbed his stomach.

"I did not need to hear that." Lest said. "I still can't believe you guys knotted, you know your life is officially over right? You're raising a baby. A demon. A total monster, do you know the consequences?"

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