Jealousy Pt 2

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"Please Mika." Yuu begged.

"Yuu-chan I-" Suddenly Yuu felt something hard hit him and it sent him flying into the wall. "YUU-CHAN!" Mika called.

"You have a lot of nerve you despicable creature." Fyn said as he walked over to Yuu, he grabbed him by the neck and pulled him up, strangling him. "Now tell me, which way do you wish to die?" He opened his hands and revealed long and sharp nails. "I have over thirty six ways to kill me, and before your death, I will do you the honor of picking which way." He felt a sharp pain at his back and fell to his knees, dropping Yuu. "Mika-sama, that hurt."

Mika walked over to Yuu and pulled him up. "Are you alright? Yuu-chan?" Yuu looked up to Mika with tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry." He reached out and wiped them.

"So?" Yuu asked with shaky voice. "Will you go with me? Mika?" Mika stared at him for a moment.

"I swear this human pisses me off." Fyn said. "To think that my Mika-sama would agree to-"

"Ok Yuu-chan."


"I'll go out with you." Mika smiled, Yuu smoked back and jumped into his arms for a hug. Fyn watched them in anger, his veins popped, his eyes glowed red and he showed his long fangs, growling.

"What are you doing?" Lest asked. "Are you trying to scar me for life? Put those hideous things away."

"This human...I'll kill him." He growled.

"I'm off." The next day came by and Yuu was ready for school, he was waving goodbye to Mika who waved back.

"Bye Human." Fyn waved also while smiling. "Oh and while you're out, please do me a favor and get your self killed." Mika growled at him.

Yuu laughed and left, he was too happy to deal with Fyn. Mika had accepted, so throughout Saturday it was just going to be him and Mika. No Fyn to be around bother them, just him, Mika and the others. What more could he possibly want?

"Mika-sama, what is the meaning of this?" Fyn asked angrily.

"You're going to have to be a little more specific than that." Mika said.

"Why did you accept that human's offer." He gritted his teeth. "Curse him, curse that human, may a thousand thunder bolts strike him on his way home."

"What's wrong going out with a friend?" Mika asked.

"Friend?" Lest asked. "Such ignorance, you sleep with a man, put your large penis inside his asshole, and you still call him friend? The nerve."

"Lest is right Mika-sama." Fyn said. "That human is not your friend, he's just your toy."

"For the last time, Yuu-chan is not my toy." Mika said. "He's more than that to me."

"Still you should decline his offer." Fyn said. "Tell him you're too busy with me to go out with him, I'm sure he'll understand, I am your boyfriend after all." 

"Slut is more like it." Lest said. Fyn raged.

"Listen here you damn brat." He walked over to Lest. "I have had just about enough of you and your comebacks, I swear I will smack you back to venos, if you dare counter my words again, got it?"

"Is this really all you two do? Fight?" Mika asked as he stood up.

"You say that like it's a new thing." Lest said.

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