Closed eyes.「Chapter Twelve」

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I shut my eyes and then opened them slowly,I was alone in a dark room.My hair was longer and it was white instead,i gasped at the sight and tried to stand up quickly but I was in too much pain to.I looked at the ground,the floor was checkered with the colours of white and black which was stained with blood.I looked behind me to see that there were broken chains against a black pole that was also covered in blood.I looked at my hands to see that I was stained red,the skin near my wrist was damaged and ripped.My legs were all cut and sore,as well as my feet.I couldn't move at all,I heard a voice speak...They sounded hurt too but they were also crying as well...Suddenly they stopped as I heard doors open slowly creak open.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk....(NAME) know you shouldn't have tried to escape...Your punishment will be heavier now...It's been the fourth time now.."I looked over to see a man towering over me and then the other weeping voice shouted out.

"(NAME)!!!RUN!!GOO!HURRY,FORGET ABOUT ME!"I heard the clanking of chains and I was frozen on the spot.I squeezed my eyes closed and opened them and tried to run away when I was grabbed by the neck and held up.

"I told you already,you can't escape."I felt their grip tighten around my neck as I struggled to breathe.They dropped me before I suffocated and wrapped a piece of cloth around my eyes.The man tied the chains around me,forcing me against the pole.I was forced to sit on the cold floor that was dirtied with blood.I wanted to cry but no tears had fallen,I heard footsteps come towards me.My feet were held by a big hand,in a flash my toes were cut off.I screamed in agony as soon as I felt the pain,I tried to free my hand by pulling them but that only ripped more of my skin away.I calmed down and felt that my toes had grown back...

"Don't touch her!"I heard the voice beside me shout out followed by a grunt of pain."Ack!"

"Kaneki,don't make me hurt you next."

"I don't care!Just don't hurt her!...Please..."The voice that belonged to 'Kaneki' said helplessly.The man laughed sadistically out loud.

"I'LL JUST KILL BOTH OF YOU!"I felt my chin being pulled up my force."But,such a beauty shouldn't be wasted...I should make the most of it for now."I felt his hot breathe against my skin as I tried to get away.

"Stop...Please...Dont' hurt me!"I said as he chuckled.

"If you don't behave...I will."He let go of my and walked away leaving us both in the vast room.I heard Kaneki speak to me.

"(NAME)..What were you thinking..?You know he would have killed us!"He exclaimed,I heard the clanking of chains again as he moved around.

"...I...I'm sorry.."

"...I'm just glad your not hurt...I wouldn't be able to comprehend your death if you were killed by him.."


"(NAME)...?(NAME)?!(NAME)!!!"I jolted up and saw Sasaki by my side.He signed in relief as I panted heavily.

"I..I just had a weird dream..."I seemed to have caught Sasaki's attention.


"I'm not sure how to explain it..."

"I see,well i'm just glad your awake."

"What happened anyway..?"Sasaki went silent and furrowed his eyebrows while still smiling.

"You fell unconscious suddenly so i took the initiative to carry you into bed and waited until you regain your consciousness..."

"I-I'm so sorry for being a burden Sasaki-san."

"Please call me by my name."He said with a stern voice as he held both my hands.

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